US News

Survey finds over 50% of Americans like to eat where they sleep: ‘Don’t knock it till you try it’

Many Americans don’t have to go very far to go to sleep after a late-night snack.

Nearly 44% of adults who snack late at night do so in bed, while 58% of 18-to 24-year-olds with the late-night munchies prefer to nibble in the sack.

That’s according to a survey of 1,000 Americans commissioned by Kellanova, formerly Kellogg Company, maker of Pringles, Rice Krispies Treats and Pop-Tarts.

A lot of people enjoy chowing snacks in bed. mtrlin –

“While we aren’t at all surprised that 30% of people snack late at night, we were surprised to learn where they are doing it — in the bedroom!” said Amjad Malik, Kellanova’s vice president of insights and analytics.

Beauty publicist Lexie Mixon, 25, told The Post she has eaten in bed since childhood. She does it because she loves “to be comfortable” and in her “happy place.”

She and her boyfriend enjoy date nights in bed, eating sushi and pasta.

“My friends even got me a gorgeous tray for my birthday so I could eat in bed while watching ‘Sex and the City,’ my favorite,” said Mixon, whose 59-year-old mother also noshes in bed.

“I have eaten in bed my whole life,” her mom, Tracy Mixon, said. “I learned it from my mom; it’s a generational thing.” 

Late-night bed munchers tend to go for cookies, ice cream and chips, with chips coming in first for 18- to 24-year-olds, the survey found.

Chips are a popular choice among young people eating snacks in bed. Seventyfour –

Bed-snackers tend to be white, and without kids under age 18, per the survey. The majority eat in bed when they are alone, and 56% watch TV while indulging.

Emma Eby, 23, has been eating in her bed since high school. At the time it was more snacking, but once she hit college, she upped it to meals.

“I’ve always felt safe in my room and it’s been my grounding place and where I can relax,” the financial analyst said. “In shared apartments I can find it stressful to eat in the living room/dining space because I usually have to be interacting while doing so. I enjoy my room and bed … I’m able to unwind and watch some TV on my laptop in peace.”

The majority of bed-snackers are alone, and 56% watch TV while indulging. nastenka_peka –

Eby dismissed those who declared the habit gross.

“I don’t spill. I have a little lap desk I’ll eat on sometimes and I often clean my sheets. If there are crumbs I’ll just sweep them off,” she said, adding, “I think it’s less gross than not showering before getting in bed!”

Mixon added, “Don’t knock it till you try it.”