
You need these $35 earplugs to protect your hearing at concerts this summer

It’s no secret that recurrent exposure to loud noises can damage your hearing, and it’s especially risky for concertgoers exposing themselves to that repeatedly. Regular earplugs might muffle sound too much, but what if there was a better option?

Enter Loop, a line of high-fidelity, certified hearing protection earplugs.

I’ll admit, I was skeptical at first, even after seeing Tiktok after Tiktok talking about why Loops are absolutely necessary, but shortly before my Taylor Swift Eras Tour show last spring, I pulled the trigger on a hot pink pair of Loop Experience ear plugs (to match my “Lover” inspired outfit, of course). The Experience line is best for loud shows, with a low-level noise reduction of up to 7db.

The Eras tour was a big outdoor concert that still managed to be one of the loudest shows I’ve ever attended — and having Loops with me proved absolutely necessary as the night went on.

I was worried I might not be able to hear the music the way I would without earplugs in, or worse, it’d be muffled the way I imagined it might sound through basic foam earplugs. But I was, and still am, so happy to have been wrong about these.

The music is crisp and clear through the acoustic channel and filter built into the tiny earplugs, and I even found that it was easier to concentrate in on the music since the crowd sounds were being filtered out. All I was left with was the music.

Since then, I’ve brought my Loops to a few other concerts, but I found them the most useful at a Fall Out Boy show this spring. Loud rock music + a closed, indoor venue = potentially damaging high-volume noise. But not with Loop earplugs! I left the show without any ringing in my ears, the telltale sign that I’ve spent too long in an environment that’s much too loud.

At just $35, Loop Experience earplugs are a small investment you can make now to take care of your body long-term.

Loop Experience Ear Plugs

Close-up view of a pair of silver earbuds

You can get the Loop Experience earplugs in seven colors: silver, gold, rose gold, matte black, flux (pink), equinox (turquoise), and sapphire.

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