
Florida Dem Rep. Jared Moskowitz briefly likes Michael Rapaport post telling AOC to ‘F–k off’

Rep. Jared Moskowitz appears to have some choice words for his Democratic colleague Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez — though it might not be in English.

Following a social media tussle with Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), the Florida lawmaker briefly liked a post from outspoken actor Michael Rapaport roasting the congresswoman saying, “What’s the Hebrew translation for F— Off Lady?”

Moskowitz (D-Fla.) later unliked the X post.

A screenshot captured by The Post of Moskowitz liking the remark on X.

The exchange began when Moskowitz called out Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) for complaining about being blocked from a vote on an amendment to undercut aid to Israel.

Sanders dubbed the ordeal a “dark day for democracy.” But Moskowitz had a different takeaway.

“Bernie, now do AntiSemitism. Why so quiet?” the Florida Democrat chided.

That prompted Ocasio-Cortez to chime in.

“Sen. Sanders’ family was killed in the Holocaust. He dedicates his every moment to realizing tikkun olam. His commitment to protecting innocents in Gaza stems FROM his Jewish values,” she posted on X.

“He and many other Jewish leaders deserve better than to be treated this way. This is shameful.”

“Tikkun olam” is a term in Judaism about activity to make the world a better place.

Moskowitz, who is Jewish, fired back, passionately recalling his tragic family history.

“My family was also killed in the Holocaust. In Germany and in Poland. My grandmother was in the kinder-transport,” he wrote.

“They also instilled values in me. It’s why I voted for aid to Israel and for aid to Gaza. We see each other at work, we are both better than doing this here.”

That seemingly prompted the congressman to like the post by Rapaport asking for “the Hebrew translation for F— Off Lady.”

Ocasio-Cortez noticed the like before his account unliked it.

“Is that what this is?” she asked in response, replying to Moskowitz’s post about his values.

Both Moskowitz and Ocasio-Cortez serve together on the House Oversight Committee, where they battled against the Republican impeachment probe targeting President Biden.

Moskowitz has emerged as one of the loudest defenders of Israel among House Democrats, as the party’s base splinters on the issue broadly.

Meanwhile, Ocasio-Cortez has been vocally critical of Israel and even deemed its war against Hamas a “genocide,” after receiving pressure from her left flank to do so.

AOC has been fiercely critical of Israel, though not always in lockstep with top opponents of the Jewish State. Getty Images

On Saturday, the House voted to approve a $26.38 billion package featuring assistance to both Israel and the Palestinians.

The Senate on Tuesday advanced a version of that bill combined with aid to Ukraine and Taiwan, as well as a TikTok divestment measure. Biden has since signed it.

Ocasio-Cortez voted against the Israel aid package in the House, and Sanders voted against the combined package in the Senate.

The Post contacted reps for both Moskowitz and Ocasio-Cortez for comment.

Rep. Jared Moskowitz’s patience has run thin with critics of Israel and Ukraine in Congress. ZUMAPRESS.com

In addition to confronting members of his own party on Israel, Moskowitz has also taken Republicans to task who voted against the Ukraine aid package.

He even mused about bailing out House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) in the event of a mutiny from Republicans for bringing up Ukraine aid to the floor for a vote.

“My position hasn’t changed. Massie wants the world to burn, I won’t stand by and watch. I have a bucket of water,” Moskowitz posted on X last week.