
Harvard proves axing Claudine Gay may already be having an effect

At least one elite university is effectively resisting the pro-Hamas occupiers: In fact, Harvard just literally poured cold water on a nascent encampment.

After protesters set up dozens of tents in Harvard Yard late Wednesday, the university set off sprinklers from 2:30 a.m. to 4 a.m. Thursday morning as temps dipped into the 30s, flooding out the colony as students futilely tried to use buckets to stop the streams.

And what an elegant move: no confrontation, no conflict, just a pointed message to rabble-rousers to move along.

An anti-Israel encampment at Harvard University on April 25, 2024.
An anti-Israel encampment at Harvard University on April 25, 2024. REUTERS

Looks like forcing the resignation of former President Claudine Gay may actually have begun to make a difference.

In earlier “preventative medicine,” the school on Monday locked the gates of the yard, limiting access to only those with student IDs, while posting signs warning that no tents or tables would be allowed.

All this signifies a marked departure from the environment under Gay, who allowed aggressive anti-Israel protesters (and their antisemitism) to run roughshod over the rest of the student body and trash the university’s reputation, going so far as to run cover for them in front of Congress.

It seems Harvard’s interim president, Alan Garber, learned from her mistakes, at least enough to stifle protests that break college rules before they explode into campus-wide disorder.

We still think institutional, long-term improvement requires changes from the Harvard Corp. board on down, but progress is still progress.

And, in the meantime — mind the puddles.