
The week in whoppers: The Squad’s Cori Bush flips reality on protests, NY Times begs for Trump’s conviction and more

Diary of disturbing disinformation and dangerous delusions

This tweet:

We say: Where to start?! Rep. Cori Bush (D-Mo.) claims “agitators” are infiltrating anti-Israel protests and fueling “suppression of dissent.”

OK, so why aren’t the “good” protesters shutting them down?

Besides, no one’s limiting dissent; in fact, authorities aren’t doing enough to stop protesters who block traffic, defy police, terrorize Jews and shut down colleges.

And by the way: Pro-Hamas protesters aren’t “anti-war”; they support war — against Israel. The only genocide being sought in Middle East is meant to kill Jews and Israelis.

Oh, and the Ferguson protests Bush brags she was part of were also based on a lie, as the Obama Justice Department later admitted.

This story:

“Will a Mountain of Evidence Be Enough to Convict Trump?”

— The New York Times, Sunday

We say: Could the Times be any more obvious in its desire to see President Donald Trump found guilty, even before the trial began?

Legal experts on the left and right agree that Manhattan District Attorney Alvin Bragg overreached in countless ways in bringing this hopelessly flawed case — from his statute-of-limitations games to his nonexistent federal crime that he says makes Trump’s actions felonies.  

This claim:

 “The attack on diversity, equity and inclusion, DEI, is an attack on democracy . . . education . . . [and] how our economy works.”

— Ex-Georgia state Rep. Stacey Abrams, Saturday

We say: Sorry, but if anything is an “attack” on democracy, education and the economy it’s DEI itself — which justifies discrimination against whites based on the false charge that they’re “oppressors” and perpetrators of systemic racism.

Indeed, DEI is responsible for much of the antisemitic hostility that’s erupted across the nation today.

This charge:

We say: We get it — candidates will say anything about their foes.

Yet the idea that Trump wants to deprive people of health care and Social Security is beyond absurd.

Indeed, Trump has said point-blank, “I will never do anything that will jeopardize or hurt Social Security or Medicare.”  

Compiled by The Post Editorial Board