
Eric Trump warns Biden could be hit with charges for White House cocaine if SCOTUS rules against immunity

Eric Trump warned that if the Supreme Court brushes aside presidential immunity, prosecutors could line up a case against President Biden over last summer’s White House cocaine debacle.

The Trump scion further cautioned that if his father fails to win his bid for absolute immunity then the floodgates could be open to a flurry of prosecutions against other presidents.

“They’ll probably go after Joe Biden for having cocaine in the White House. They’ll go after Biden for raiding his opponent’s home,” Eric Trump, 40, predicted on Fox News’ “Sunday Morning Futures.”

“They will probably go after him … for literally, two weeks before the 2022 primaries, literally depleting the petroleum national — the reserves so he could lower gas prices,” he railed.

Eric Trump dredged up the White House cocaine debacle while discussing his father’s presidential immunity push. Getty Images

Last July, Secret Service agents discovered a small baggie in a vestibule near the Situation Room and a floor below the Oval Office that they later concluded contained under a gram of cocaine.

After 11 days, the Secret Service wrapped up its investigation without naming a suspect and claimed that surveillance footage did not reveal the identity of the culprit.

Last Thursday, the Supreme Court heard a landmark case in which former President Donald Trump, 77, claimed that presidents enjoy absolute immunity for their official actions, and therefore the courts should toss out his four-count 2020 election indictment.

A photo of the cocaine found in the White House last summer. Dept of Homeland Security

Justices on the conservative-led high court appeared deeply skeptical about the claim of absolute presidential immunity, while simultaneously sounding leery about presidents having no immunity.

By mounting the presidential immunity challenge, the elder Trump managed to delay the 2020 election subversion trial, which was supposed to commence on March 4.

Echoing the former president’s legal team, Eric Trump cautioned that without immunity protecting former commanders-in-chief, overzealous prosecutors could have a field day.

“The only people who are going to benefit are big law firms in Washington, DC, because they are going to go after every single president. They will start with Obama, Fast and Furious, right, where he gives 2,000 weapons to cartel members,” Eric Trump mused.

Eric Trump pictured next to his father. AP

“Where do you want to stop? Are they going to go after George Bush for lying about weapons of mass destruction,” he later added.

Donald Trump is the first sitting or current US president to be criminally charged and is facing 88 counts spanning four indictments. He has denied wrongdoing and pleaded not guilty to all charges.

“The floodgates are going to open, and I guarantee you, Joe Biden will not have one foot outside of the White House doors before they start going after him legally, ruthlessly,” Eric Trump added.

Although the younger Trump was vague about who might target Biden, 81, his father has previously vowed to name a special prosecutor to look into the first family.

Donald Trump had also made a similar pledge about Hillary Clinton but ultimately declined to follow up during his administration.

President Biden has carefully navigated questions about his predecessor’s legal affairs. AP

Meanwhile, Biden has strenuously refrained from any action or comment that could be perceived as him meddling in his predecessor’s legal woes.

The Supreme Court is expected to decide on the immunity question by July. That decision could mean relegating the matter back to the lower courts to iron out certain aspects of the case, such as the distinction between private and official actions.