
NYC Mayor Eric Adams set to meet Pope Francis during trip to Rome this week

Mayor Eric Adams will travel to Italy this week — where he’s expected to meet with Pope Francis, The Post has learned.

Hizzoner is set to leave for Rome on Thursday, make a pit stop in Vatican City and then return to the Big Apple on Monday, City Hall confirmed.

The trip is being paid for by the Fratelli Tutti Foundation, which was founded by Francis via papal decree in 2021.

On Saturday, Adams is expected to attend the World Meeting on Human Fraternity — organized by the pope’s foundation — where “personalities from all over the world” will have roundtable meetings, according to the event’s webpage.

Mayor Eric Adams
Mayor Eric Adams is expected to head to Rome later this week. Robert Miller

“Pope Francis will also take part in the initiative, in a tender meeting reserved for children, proposing a reflection on the theme of fraternity, which is particularly dear to him,” the description reads.

It’s not known whether Adams will have a private sit-down with the pontiff, or meet him at the two-day event, which is being held in Rome and Vatican City.

The Post first learned of the trip from a social media post announcing the mayor’s appearance at the event.

Adams’ former Chief of Staff Frank Carone, a lawyer who runs a consulting firm, will join the mayor in Rome, but told The Post he would be traveling solo.

“He was invited separately,” Carone, who remains a close advisor to the mayor and is chair of his re-elect campaign, said about Adams.