
Hunter Biden hangs with Sean Penn at Malibu’s swanky Soho House amid court setback

Just a couple “Bad Boys” enjoying the California sun.

Indicted first son Hunter Biden was spotted chatting with Oscar-winning actor Sean Penn outside Malibu’s Soho House outpost on Thursday — after previously entertaining each other at their SoCal estates, The Post understands.

Penn, 63, emerged from his car with a cigarette dangling from his lips before joining the 54-year-old Biden on the terrace of the members-only club, where the rates go as high as $10,000 per year.

Sean Penn, 63, emerged from his car with a cigarette dangling from his lip before joining Hunter Biden on the terrace of the members-only club, where annual rates cost as much as $10,000 annually. @MALIBUUSTARS YOUTUBE / BACKGRID
Penn was spotted catching rays with the first son Biden at the Soho House on Thursday, following earlier meetings at each other’s California estates, The Post understands. @MALIBUUSTARS YOUTUBE / BACKGRID

Clad in light jackets and jeans, the pair grinned for the cameras while taking the air outside the Little Beach House Malibu.

The private meeting took place as Hunter’s “sugar brother” Kevin Morris is bankrolling a documentary about the first son’s legal woes as well as his “painting, selling his art, raising his son, and navigating everyday life as a sober adult,” the Los Angeles Times reported in January.

Penn, star of “Mystic River,” “I Am Sam,” and “Milk,” has directed several documentaries in recent months, including last year’s “Superpower” about Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s leadership during his nation’s war with Russia.

Thursday is not the first time the Hollywood icon has rubbed elbows with Hunter or his associates.

In December 2022, Penn and Biden both attended the Kennedy Center Honors events in Washington, the Daily Mail and Washington Post reported at the time.

Emails found on the first son’s abandoned laptop also show that Hunter’s business associates connected with Penn about developing clean drinking water solutions following the devastating 2010 earthquake in Haiti.

The private meeting comes as Hunter’s “sugar brother” Kevin Morris is bankrolling a documentary about the first son’s legal woes. @MALIBUUSTARS YOUTUBE / BACKGRID
Penn, a twice-Academy Award-nominated actor, has directed several documentaries, including most recently “Superpower” about Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky’s leadership. @MALIBUUSTARS YOUTUBE / BACKGRID

One message sent in May of that year from the younger Biden’s then-business partner Eric Schwerin said they “definitely want to get Hunter down [to Haiti] on one of the next trips,” following a Capitol Hill hearing with Penn on relief efforts for the island.

“Guys – great hearing on Haiti today – I sat next to Sean Penn. [Then-Sen. Ted] Kaufman asked point blank questions about clean water and the answers were somewhat predictable,” Schwerin’s email stateed in reference to the hearing before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

“Though, it sounds like they are building lots of little population centers that would be ideal for our ‘off the grid’ solution,” the email goes on. “It is clear from this hearing that Bill Clinton is THE key player on the recovery and rebuild efforts. Any chance you guys have had any more conversations with his staff about going down there?”

It’s not the first time Penn has brushed elbows with Hunter or his associates. @MALIBUUSTARS YOUTUBE / BACKGRID
Hunter and his associates discussed working with Penn amid his philanthropic efforts in Haiti following the 2010 earthquake. @MALIBUUSTARS YOUTUBE / BACKGRID

Another October 2010 email shows lobbyist Doug Davenport looping Hunter and Schwerin into a discussion of using machines to treat “contaminated drinking water” causing a cholera outbreak in the Caribbean nation.

“I know that you know all about this situation in Haiti,” Davenport wrote. “We have made contact with Sean Penn’s people and are working through that process.”

Hunter’s legal team was dealt a blow earlier on Thursday after the US Third Circuit Court of Appeals rejected a bid to postpone his trial next month on three gun-related felonies.

One May 2010 email including Hunter’s then-business partner Eric Schwerin saying they “definitely want to get Hunter down [to Haiti] on one of the next trips,” following a congressional hearing with Sean Penn on relief efforts for the island. @MALIBUUSTARS YOUTUBE / BACKGRID
“I know that you know all about this situation in Haiti,” Davenport wrote. “We have made contact with Sean Penn’s people and are working through that process.” @MALIBUUSTARS YOUTUBE / BACKGRID

His attorneys have appealed a separate criminal case in Los Angeles involving three felonies and six misdemeanors related to tax fraud.

The first son is currently scheduled to head to trial on June 3 for the firearms charges and June 20 for the tax indictment.