
US Naval Academy cadets scale the greased-up Herndon Monument in traditional climb: photos

Climbing the Herndon Monument at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis is a tradition dating back to 1940, where plebes (first-year students) work together to replace a plebe hat, known as a “dixie cup,” on top of the monument with an upperclassman’s hat.

On Wednesday, May 15, 2024, members of the 2027 midshipmen’s class took two hours and 19 minutes to scale the 21-foot greased monument in a human pyramid and replace the hats, signifying the end of their first year at the academy.

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Plebes climb the Herndon Monument at the U.S. Naval Academy, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in Annapolis, Maryland.
The Herndon Monument, a granite obelisk coated with a thick layer of vegetable shortening awaits the plebes. Reuters
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Plebes climb the Herndon Monument at the U.S. Naval Academy, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in Annapolis, Maryland.
First year class test their ingenuity, perseverance and ability to work together as they attempt to scale a granite obelisk. Reuters
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Plebes climb the Herndon Monument at the U.S. Naval Academy, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in Annapolis, Maryland.
In a crush of arms and legs, first-year Naval Academy “plebes” work to build a human pyramid. REUTERS
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Plebes climb the Herndon Monument at the U.S. Naval Academy, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in Annapolis, Maryland.
Members of U.S. Naval Academy’s first year class climb the Herndon Monument. AP
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Plebes climb the Herndon Monument at the U.S. Naval Academy, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in Annapolis, Maryland.
In a crush of arms and legs, first-year Naval Academy “plebes” work to build a human pyramid. Getty Images
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Plebes climb the Herndon Monument at the U.S. Naval Academy, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in Annapolis, Maryland.
Vegetable shortening is used to grease-up the monument. WILL OLIVER/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock
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Plebes climb the Herndon Monument at the U.S. Naval Academy, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in Annapolis, Maryland.
Cadets link arms to steady themselves. Reuters
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Plebes climb the Herndon Monument at the U.S. Naval Academy, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in Annapolis, Maryland.
A member of U.S. Naval Academy’s first year class falls on top of fellow plebes. REUTERS
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Plebes climb the Herndon Monument at the U.S. Naval Academy, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in Annapolis, Maryland.
Plebes work to remove the grease to ease their climb. AP
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Plebes climb the Herndon Monument at the U.S. Naval Academy, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in Annapolis, Maryland.
Cadets work together to climb to the top. AP
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Plebes climb the Herndon Monument at the U.S. Naval Academy, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in Annapolis, Maryland.
Plebes climb the Herndon Monument at the U.S. Naval Academy, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in Annapolis, Maryland. AP
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Plebes climb the Herndon Monument at the U.S. Naval Academy, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in Annapolis, Maryland.
Cadets are crushed as they attempt to climb. Getty Images
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Plebes climb the Herndon Monument at the U.S. Naval Academy, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in Annapolis, Maryland.
Ben Leisegang knocks off the white plebe “Dixie cup” hat. REUTERS
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Plebes climb the Herndon Monument at the U.S. Naval Academy, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in Annapolis, Maryland.
Plebes celebrate. WILL OLIVER/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock
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Plebes climb the Herndon Monument at the U.S. Naval Academy, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in Annapolis, Maryland.
Ben Leisegang, of California, places an upperclassman’s hat atop the Herndon Monument. AP
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Plebes climb the Herndon Monument at the U.S. Naval Academy, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in Annapolis, Maryland.
Ben Leisegang of Orange County, California, celebrates with Commandant of Midshipmen Colonel J.P. McDonough (L) and Superintendent Vice Adm. Yvette Davids. Getty Images
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Plebes climb the Herndon Monument at the U.S. Naval Academy, Wednesday, May 15, 2024, in Annapolis, Maryland.
Ben Leisegang is congratulated by fellow cadets after the climb. Getty Images