
Rep. Crockett blasts ‘racist’ Marjorie Taylor Greene, calls on speaker to ‘rein her in’

Texas Rep. Jasmine Crockett blasted fellow Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene as “racist” and implored House Speaker Mike Johnson to”rein her in” Sunday — after the two congresswomen traded barbs in a fiery Oversight Committee hearing last week.

“MAGA has historically been on social media, doing the things where they’re saying, ‘Oh, she’s black with lashes and nails and hair and so she’s ghetto,'” the Democrat told CNN’s “State of the Union” Sunday.

“So to me, this was her buying into that rhetoric and trying to amplify this for the MAGA crowd. And so yeah, I absolutely think that she only did it to be racist towards me.”

Last Thursday night, during a markup hearing in which the committee looked to hold Attorney General Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress, tensions flared between Greene (R-Ga.) and Crockett.

Marjorie Taylor Greene sparked uproar when she mocked her colleague’s fake eyelashes. Getty Images

At one point during the hearing, Greene blasted her Democratic colleagues, asking “if any of the Democrats on this committee are employing Judge [Juan] Merchant’s daughter,” in reference to the judge overseeing the hush money trial against former President Donald Trump.

“Please tell me what that has to do with Merrick Garland,” Crockett shot back, before adding “Do you know what we’re here for?”

“I don’t think you know what you’re here for,” Greene replied. “I think your fake eyelashes are messing up what you’re reading.”

Jasmine Crockett called Marjorie Taylor Greene racist. Acyn/X

From there, a shouting match erupted on the panel.

During that mayhem, Crockett pressed for Greene’s words to be cut from the record, but Chairman James Comer (R-Ky.) declined.

“If someone on this committee then starts talking about somebody’s bleach blond bad built butch body, that would not be engaging in personalities, correct?” Crockett hissed.

The Democrat has since moved to cash in on the dust-up by selling swag.

Crockett also underscored Sunday that she felt targeted.

The chaotic hearing came as Republicans on the panel worked through efforts to hold Merrick Garland in contempt of Congress. REUTERS

“I think her specifically doing it to me,” the lawmaker clarified Sunday when pressed about why she felt Greene’s jab was racist.

“Women wear makeup, we wear lashes. We were all types of things to beautify ourselves.”

Crockett, a first-time congresswoman, further contended that Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) “should be inclined to rein her in,” especially after she conspired to oust him.

“They just let Marjorie do whatever she wants to do. And I think this was the first time that someone actually said, ‘No, you won’t just treat me whatever way you want to and get away with it,'” Crockett added.

The Texan lamented that Greene didn’t get penalized.

“The problem with MAGA is that MAGA does not respect rules, nor do they respect the law. That is exactly why they’re all running up to Trump’s trial,” she said.

“He’s in trouble, not because of some big conspiracy by the Biden administration. He’s in trouble because he fails to respect the law.

“The party of law in order is gone at this point in time.”

Marjorie Taylor Greene was displeased with criticism of Donald Trump from Democrats. C-SPAN

Crockett also gave some advice to President Biden amid signs in polling that he’s hemorrhaging support from black voters.

“I think it’s about whether or not people understand what he has done for them. It’s tough to kind of connect the dots sometimes,” she said.

“They have done so much, but I don’t think that the information has been pushed out continually.”

Biden, 81, has a 71% to 13% edge with black voters over former President Donald Trump, down from the 87% to 12% score he notched in 2020 election exit polls, according to an NBC News April survey.

The Post contacted a Greene spokesperson for comment.