
House Democrats outraise House Republicans by $2 million in April

House Democrats raked in over $2 million more in donations than House Republicans last month, fundraising totals released on Monday show. 

The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee’s (DCCC) $12.4 million April haul was the highest ever recorded in that month by the House Democrats’ campaign arm. 

With the hefty sum, the DCCC has now raised $179 million in the 2024 election cycle and the group has $75.9 million in cash-on-hand. 

The chairwoman of the DCCC said the fundraising haul shows that “voters are increasingly fed up with extremism and dysfunction.” CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

“With only six months to go before Election Day, House Democrats are ensuring we have the resources to take back the majority, make Hakeem Jeffries Speaker, put an end to the chaos, and get the government back to work for families,” DCCC Chairwoman Suzan DelBene (D-Wash.) said in a statement. 

“As House Republicans continue to put partisan politics over people at the behest of Donald Trump, voters are increasingly fed up with extremism and dysfunction,” she added.

Meanwhile, the National Republican Congressional Committee (NRCC) touted its second-best fundraising month of April in an election year, with the House Republican campaign arm announcing that it brought in $10.03 million last month. 

“House Republicans kept our nose to the grindstone,” NRCC Chairman Richard Hudson said Monday. Middle East Images/AFP via Getty Images

With those contributions, the NRCC has now raised $134.7 million in the 2024 election cycle and the group has $59.8 million cash-on-hand. 

“Democrats spent the month of April coddling terrorist sympathizers on college campuses while denying the border invasion and inflation crisis,” NRCC Chairman Richard Hudson (R-NC) said in a statement. 

“Meanwhile, House Republicans kept our nose to the grindstone — raising the cash needed to grow our majority while demanding a halt to Joe Biden and extreme House Democrats’ radical plans to drive America further into a ditch,” he added. 

House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries would be in position to take the speakership if Democrats take control of the House after the November elections. Shutterstock

The latest fundraising totals show that the DCCC has outraised the NRCC by more than $44 million this cycle and that the Democratic group’s war chest currently tops Republicans’ by $16 million heading into the general election.

All 435 House seats will be up for grabs on Nov. 5 as the Republican conference seeks to defend its slim majority. 

With only a 217-213 edge in the House, Republicans can currently  only afford to lose one vote on any bill if Democrats vote along party lines. 

The nonpartisan Cook Political Report rates 22 House races as toss ups that could go either blue or red on Election Day.