
Hunter Biden now claims he didn’t introduce dad to Burisma exec despite admitting they dined together — as ‘sugar brother’ runs out of cash

WASHINGTON — Indicted first son Hunter Biden suggested in a new interview that he didn’t introduce his father to an executive from a Ukrainian gas company that was paying Hunter a million-dollar salary — despite testifying to Congress that then-Vice President Joe Biden dined with the very same Burisma Holdings executive.

The 54-year-old brazenly backpedaled days after a fresh report that “sugar brother” Kevin Morris, who has bankrolled Hunter since meeting him at a presidential campaign fundraiser in late 2019, is “completely tapped out” after giving or loaning the scandal-plagued Biden at least $4.9 million.

President Biden’s son told The Daily Beast that lewd photos from his abandoned laptop, which also contained documents linking his dad to foreign business relationships, show “someone in the throes of addiction” and have been used to bolster the case that his business dealings were improper.

Hunter Biden suggested in an interview that he didn’t introduce his father then-Vice President Joe Biden to an executive from Burisma Holdings. Photo by Kent Nishimura/Getty Images

“You know, ‘Here’s this degenerate. And we can show you in vivid detail the level of his degeneracy. And here’s him smoking a crack pipe. And here’s him naked in a bathtub… Oh, and by the way, here’s an email from Vadym [Pozharskyi] thanking him for introducing him to his dad,'” Hunter told the outlet.

“Now, none of the second part is true. But they’ve made it a hell of a lot easier for people to believe.”

Hunter indicated he did not introduce the Burisma board adviser to his father despite testifying on Feb. 28 that then-VP Biden attended a pair of dinners at DC’s Cafe Milano restaurant in 2014 and 2015 — one of which included Pozharskyi, whose company hired Hunter in early 2014 as his dad assumed control of the Obama administration’s policy toward Ukraine.

“I do believe that Vadym was at one of these dinners, yes,” Hunter told Congress, backing The Post’s initial October 2020 reporting on documents from Hunter’s abandoned laptop.

Hunter Biden testified that his father went to a dinner at Cafe Milano that Burisma executive Vadym Pozharskyi also attended. Bella Bellini

The Post’s scoop was initially censored by Facebook and Twitter as the Biden campaign gave the impression it was denying the reporting, which described a thank-you email from Pozharskyi one day after the April 16, 2015, meal at Cafe Milano.

Emails show Hunter planned for the dinner, which included other foreign patrons, to be “ostensibly” about his role on the board of the World Food Program USA charity.

Hunter confirmed during his impeachment inquiry testimony that the Cafe Milano dinners also included Russian billionaire Yelena Baturina, who reportedly transferred $3.5 million on Feb. 14, 2014, to a company jointly owned by Hunter and business partner Devon Archer, and Kazakhstani businessman Kenes Rakishev, who purchased a $142,000 sports car for the younger Biden.

Hunter Biden said an email in his laptop from Pozharskyi thanking him for the introduction to Joe Biden was not true. Photo by Teresa Kroeger/Getty Images for World Food Program USA

Joe Biden met with many other foreign and domestic business associates of his son during and soon after his eight-year vice presidency, according to impeachment inquiry testimony and further reporting — including Kyiv Mayor Vitali Klitchko, who worked with Hunter on a geothermal energy-focused Burisma subsidiary, according to laptop records and a former business partner.

Hunter also confirmed to House investigators that his dad met with state-backed BHR Partners CEO Jonathan Li during an official December 2013 trip to Beijing.

Hunter cofounded the investment fund within 12 days of joining his dad aboard Air Force Two, the Wall Street Journal reported, and he held a 10% stake in the firm until after his dad became president.

Joe Biden also wrote college recommendation letters for Li’s children and greeted the Chinese executive on a speaker phone call during a subsequent business trip by Hunter, Archer testified.

The now-president also allegedly was involved with a second Chinese state-linked business venture.

Former Biden family business associate Rob Walker said in his own testimony on Jan. 26 that Joe Biden attended a lunch with CEFC China Energy’s chairman Ye Jianming just weeks after leaving office as vice president.

Walker testified that the Biden-Ye meeting at DC’s Four Seasons hotel preceded the flow of an initial $3 million to a group of Biden family partners, of which more than a third went to Hunter and first brother James Biden.

Walker said the funds were for services scouting business opportunities during the Obama-Biden administration.

Hunter claimed in his House testimony that he could not remember his father’s alleged attendance at an early 2017 lunch with Ye, who has since gone missing in China amid corruption allegations there.

CEFC wired entities associated with first brother James Biden and Hunter $5.1 million within 10 days of a shakedown text message in July 2017 in which Hunter warned a China-based associate he was “sitting here with my father.”

Hunter Biden’s “sugar brother” Kevin Morris is reportedly “tapped out” from lending him anymore money. Photo by Kent Nishimura/Getty Images

Photos from Hunter’s laptop indicate he was indeed at his dad’s Wilmington, Del., home that day.

The threatening text message was provided to Congress by IRS whistleblower Joseph Ziegler, who along with his supervisor Gary Shapley alleged last year that the Justice Department repeatedly gave special treatment to Hunter Biden in a tax fraud investigation and forbade the pursuit of any evidence tying the president to foreign dealings.

Shortly after the IRS whistleblowers came forward, Hunter agreed last June to a probation-only plea deal for federal tax and gun crimes.

However, he walked away from the agreement in July over courtroom demands of immunity for other possible wrongdoing, including violations for the Foreign Agents Registration Act, which could implicate his father.

The first son is now awaiting trial in Los Angeles for allegedly failing to pay more than $1.4 million in federal taxes between 2016 and 2019 — with proceedings scheduled to begin June 20 — and in Delaware for allegedly illegally possessing a gun and lying about his drug use on paperwork, which is set to start June 3.

Hunter Biden is reportedly attempting to delay is gun charge and tax fraud trials. CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

Hunter is attempting to delay both trials as his primary benefactor Morris reportedly prepares to end his financial support.

“Kevin is completely tapped out,” a source close to the Hollywood lawyer told Politico. “So just when Hunter is facing two criminal trials starting in a few weeks, he has no resources. It’s pretty dire.”

Morris has provided Hunter at least $4.9 million since early 2020, but he declined to give a precise figure during his impeachment inquiry testimony in January.

Republicans believe the total could top $7 million and have argued it amounts to an illicit in-kind campaign contribution.

President Biden has repeatedly denied any role in his relatives’ dealings — including telling a Post reporter in March that “I did not interact with their partners,” despite substantial evidence he did so. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) called it “yet another lie” about Joe Biden’s role in those relationships.

Hunter Biden’s attorney Abbe Lowell did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment. Morris could not be reached.