
Jamaal Bowman begs for cash and DSA endorsement: ‘Course of human history may depend on it’

Rep. Jamaal Bowman is sounding the alarm.

The Bronx and Westchester Democrat’s fundraising machine is warning that humanity’s future could be at stake in his bruising primary battle against Westchester County Executive George Latimer.

“It’s Rep. Jamaal Bowman. I need your help. And it is not dramatic to say the course of human history may depend on it,” a fundraising text shared by a Business Insider reporter said.

Jamaal Bowman’s fundraising operation suggested that humanity is dependent on his victory. Getty Images

“As bad as things are now…I cannot overstate how much worse they will be if AIPAC [American Israel Public Affairs Committee] succeeds in buying this election.”

The ominous text referenced the ongoing humanitarian situation in the Gaza Strip amid the Israel-Hamas war and stressed that Bowman has “tirelessly advocated for a ceasefire and urgent humanitarian relief in Gaza.”

A spokesperson for AIPAC defended the organization’s advocacy work.

“We are proud to engage in the democratic process to help elect pro-Israel candidates who stand with the Jewish state as it battles Iranian terrorist proxies,” the spokesperson told The Post.

“We will not be deterred in our efforts by those who stand with fringe anti-Israel extremists.”

In tandem with the dramatic fundraising push, Bowman is pining for the New York Chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America’s endorsement some five weeks out from the election.

A recent note that the NYC-DSA chapter sent to its members said Bowman reached out and they have a virtual interview with him on Sunday, May 26.

“While NYC- DSA typically closes our endorsement process much sooner, Chapter and Electoral leadership felt this race merited formal deliberation by members,” the note to members said.

“This is a high-profile race where a democratic socialist (though not currently endorsed by DSA) is being challenged by an AIPAC surrogate.”

The Post cover story on the infamous Times Square rally last October.

Ironically, just two years ago, Bowman clashed with the DSA, which condemned him for a visit trip he made to Israel as well as his vote to replenish the Iron Dome missile defense system back in 2021.

The organization contemplated expelling him but ultimately declined to do so, citing his advocacy for the Palestinians.

Later on, Bowman reportedly let his DSA membership lapse.

Ties to the NYC-DSA have fed fodder to some of his critics.

Westchester County Executive George Latimer is mounting a spirited challenge against Jamaal Bowman. The Washington Post via Getty Images

Last October, the New York City’s chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America was forced to apologize for promoting a rally in Times Square just after the bloody Oct. 7, 2023 Hamas attack that killed some 1,200 Israelis.

During that infamous rally, protesters were seen stomping on Israel’s flag and one was spotted flashing a swastika.

Latimer has hammered Bowman for some of his public stances on the Israel-Hamas war.

Last week, for instance, Bowman argued that the phrase “From the river to the sea” — which is generally interpreted as a call to eradicate the Jewish state — wasn’t hateful.

Latimer countered that the phrase is antisemitic. The Westchester County Executive enjoys considerable financial backing from AIPAC, which has endorsed him.

Like Bowman, most of his fellow “Squad” members such as Reps. Cori Bush (D-Mo.), Ilham Omar (D-Minn.), and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) are facing primary challenges.

Much of those primary contests have been animated by strife over the Israel-Hamas war. But Bowman’s race is generally seen as one of the most competitive ongoing primaries against a “Squad” member.

Bowman’s primary is slated for June 25.

The Post contacted Latimer’s and Bowman’s campaigns for comment.