Kelly Osbourne claims Simon Cowell ‘threw a s–t fit,’ had her family yanked off TV set

He was riding the crazy train. 

Former “American Idol” judge Simon Cowell, 64, was notorious for his scathing takedowns of would-be singers during his time on the show, but Kelly Osbourne, 39, claims that famous families weren’t immune to his wrath, either. 

During the May 21 episode of “The Osbournes Podcast,” Kelly went down memory lane with her family.

“Do you remember when we were meant to go on ‘American Idol’ and Simon Cowell threw a s – – t fit, and we all were there waiting to be on camera, and they pulled us off the set?” Kelly asked her family members, including mom Sharon, 71, dad Ozzy, 75, and brother Jack, 38. 

“Simon was like, ‘I don’t want them on the show’ and had us taken off during the commercial break,” Kelly claimed. 

Kelly Osbourne said Simon Cowell kicked her off “American Idol.” Getty Images for The Art of Elysium
Kelly Osbourne (from left), Ozzy Osbourne, Sharon Osbourne and Jack Osbourne. WireImage

She did not specify when this happened.

Jack, who has been doing shows about bigfoot and ghosts, asked his mother if Cowell — who was her colleague and fellow judge on “The X Factor” — had ever mentioned anything about this incident.

Sharon said “no,” and added that Cowell, who is currently a judge on “America’s Got Talent,” likely “doesn’t even remember.”

“Probably not,” Kelly agreed. “But that was really awkward.”

Sharon Osbourne said Simon Cowell (right) probably “doesn’t even remember” the incident. WireImage
Kelly Osbourne Getty Images
Simon Cowell allegedly kicked the Osbournes off “American Idol.” N/C

On the rest of the podcast episode, Kelly remembered a time an executive told her to lose weight in order to succeed in showbiz. 

“When I was a kid, I got pulled into the head of the agency’s office, and he was putting golf balls into a cup and gave me a whole speech about how I was too fat for TV and I needed to lose weight, and that if I lost weight, I would look better,” she said. 

“I just booked a movie with Lindsay Lohan, ‘Freaky Friday.’ I was gonna play her best friend, and then it was right before mom got diagnosed with cancer, so I quit,” she recalled. 

“And he was just saying, ‘You’re not a movie star, but you could be one if you lost weight.’ “

Her brother interrupted to call that incident “the most LA s – – t ever.

“I know,” Kelly said. “As he’s putting golf balls into a cup in his office. And I was just, like, this is the most insulting f – – king [thing].”

Simon Cowell was notoriously ruthless on “American Idol.”
Sharon Osbourne (from left), Jack Osbourne, Ozzy Osbourne and Kelly Osbourne. WireImage

Aside from their podcast, the Osbournes reunited in 2023 for their BBC series “Home to Roost.” 

It’s been 20 years since their first reality show, “The Osbournes,” which aired from 2002 to 2005 on MTV. 

“It took me a minute to get back into the swing of it, but it’s like putting on an old pair of comfy shoes,” Kelly told The Post in 2023. 

“We fell back into it, even though it’s been 20 years. It was really interesting to see. Because we are all a bit stiff in the beginning. But then we relaxed, like, ‘Let’s be ourselves and let’s do this.’ ” 

The Post has reached out to reps for Osbourne and Cowell for comment.