
Lottery winners reveal how they spent their massive cash prizes

As people across Australia dream about what they will do if they win Thursday’s massive $150 million Powerball jackpot [$100 million USD], past Lotto winners have shared how they spent their winnings.

From a whiz-bang sewing machine and a new shed, to being trackside at the Monaco Grand Prix and skydiving, recent division one winners shared their unique ways they have enjoyed their lottery loots.

The $150m Powerball jackpot, which coincidentally falls on the game’s 28th year anniversary on Thursday, comes after there have been no division one winning entries during the past six draws.

A hand holding a Powerball lottery ticket with a group of women in the background
A hand holding a Powerball lottery ticket with a group of women in the background. Powerball/TheLott
A paper with lottery numbers next to a car, representing Australia's Powerball lottery, TheLott
A paper with lottery numbers next to a car, representing Australia’s Powerball lottery. Powerball/TheLott

The Lott spokesman Anna Hobdell said while most division one winners commonly bought a new home, enjoyed a lavish holiday, and helped family and friends, some winners weren’t afraid to step outside of the box and indulge in some rather unique plans.

More than half of last year’s Division One winner invested money for the future, 40 percent helped family and friends, 35 percent bought a new car, and 26 percent paid off their mortgage or bought a new home.

One winner paid for a cruise for the whole family one week after Christmas, taking 38 of their nearest and dearest on a voyage out to sea.

Another winner revealed they fulfilled a lifelong dream and travelled to the Monaco Grand Prix.

“We’re taking a family trip to France in a month,” one winner said.

“I did a skydive over the Gold Coast.”

“I did purchase some home items that will immediately make my life more comfortable: New washing machine, fridge and leaf blower for the yard. Looking at an electric gate for the property entry,” one winner said.

Ms Hobdell said Thursday night’s momentous $150 million [$100 million USD] Powerball draw gave players the chance to dream big and claim the title as Australia’s biggest individual lottery winner.

“We expect up to half of Australian adults to have an entry into the $150 million [$100 million USD] Powerball draw, with many Aussies hoping to tick some amazing aspirations off their bucket list,” she said.

“If one person takes home the entire $150 million [$100 million USD] Powerball prize on Thursday night, they’ll not only expect a hefty boost to their bank account, but they’ll instantly become Australia’s biggest individual lottery winner.

“An inner-Sydney mum in her 40s currently holds the title for the biggest individual lottery winner in Australia after scoring a phenomenal $107 million [$100 million USD] in 2019.

“Despite becoming a newly minted millionaire, she continues to clean and cook for her family but was happy to ‘never pick up a single iron ever again’.

“We can’t wait to see if we’ll be calling anyone on Thursday night to let them know they’ve scored a life-changing division one prize.”