
This creepy TikTok video will reveal your darkest secrets

Videos popularizing psychological tests have recently been flooding social media.

One in particular has gone viral, claiming to reveal the darkest, hidden secrets of your subconscious by showing you a series of creepy faces.

“Imagine you see one of these eight people at the end of a very dark corridor and they’re coming towards you, which one are you most scared of?” TikTok creator Masha Kaptilina says in her video.

The face you have the strongest negative reaction to, the one you find the scariest or creepiest, will tell you what parts of your personality you have suppressed.

A TikTok has claimed to reveal the darkest, hidden secrets of your subconscious by showing you a series of creepy faces. bloomicon –

There are eight faces to choose from, from left to right: the sadist; the epileptic; the catatonic; the schizophrenic; the hysteric; the depressive; the maniac; and dissociative identity disorder.

If you chose number one, ‘the sadist’, this means you don’t like bullies and those who try to control others, Ms Kaptilina said on TikTok.

She said, these people “deep down” feel happy when they see a bully get “a taste of their own medicine”.

‘The epileptic’ means you tend to not show if you are “angry or upset” and that you are usually “calm” and “very friendly,” but can sometimes “explode” with angry outbursts when stressed, the creator claimed.

The Szondi test claims to reveal your darkest secrets by showing you some seriously creepy faces. @mkaptilina/TikTok

Number three, ‘the catatonic’, indicates you have a busy mind and are quite “smart,” but you tend to “stick to your own ways” and are not a fan of “unpredictability”, she explained.

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The first woman on the card, number four or ‘the schizophrenic’, reveals a person who finds it difficult “to connect with other people,” these people are sociable but are secretly very lonely.

Viral TikToker Masha Kaptilina popularises decades old personality tests. @mkaptilina/TikTok

‘The hysteric’ shows that as a child, “you were probably told a lot not to brag or show off,” and now you avoid the spotlight, “even though you really like it.”

If you chose the saddest looking face, number six or ‘the depressive’, it could indicate that you aren’t as “cheerful and carefree” as you appear to be to others and that in reality you often feel “bad” about yourself.

You may use your work to escape these dark feelings inside, Ms Kaptilina said on TikTok.

Ms Kaptilina said on TikTok you may use your work to escape these dark feelings inside. Kaspars Grinvalds –

The second-last face, ‘the maniac’, exposes your need for order and calmness, with Ms Kaptilina saying, “you might find overly energetic or loud people very annoying.”

Last but not least if you chose the youthful looking number eight, or a ‘dissociative identity disorder’, it means “you’ve had a rough time in the past” where people have been “mean” or “unfair” towards you.

You are most likely a perfectionist who can judge others harshly for not living up to your impossible standards, she explained.

The viral personality test is a real psychological tool called the Szondi test, created by Hungarian psychoanalyst Léopold Szondi in 1935.

The faces shown are those of real psychiatric patients who actually had the mental illnesses that the Szondi test identifies them as.