
Just how many senior moments can Geriatric Joe cram into a single speech?

President Biden’s White House flunkies edited not one, not two, but nine — count ’em, nine! — corrections into the transcript of his disastrous Detroit NAACP speech Sunday. 

Where did Geriatric Joe land those oopsies?

Well, he claimed to have been veep during the pandemic.

US President Joe Biden speaking at the NAACP Detroit Branch annual 'Fight for Freedom Fund Dinner' in Detroit, Michigan on May 19, 2024
Joe Biden has become notorious for his many gaffes. AFP via Getty Images

By which he meant the 2008 recession

Who hasn’t confused a deadly globe-spanning viral outbreak that killed millions and gave governments license to rip apart human society with a couple of years where the economy went sluggish? 

He said his Affordable Care Act expansion push saved millions of families $800,000 a year in premiums.

Yes, it was only a savings of up to $800. 

But what are a few orders of magnitude between friends?

He invented new words: “inspiresing” and “irrectionists.”

The latter isn’t a gross pun (and thank God), but a flub for “insurrectionists” — the term preferred in Dem hysterics around the Jan. 6 protesters, so Joe’s screw-up was also a major political-theology no-no. 

It wouldn’t be a Biden speech without a Kinsley gaffe (i.e., when a politician accidentally tells the truth): “We’re cracking down on corporate landlords who keep rents down.”

Damn right! Thanks to Biden’s drunken-sailor spending, landlords have had to raise rents.

And — at this point it goes almost without saying — he got the name of the organization hosting him wrong, calling it the NAAC. 

We’re sure the National Academy of Ambulance Compliance was flattered, Joe. 

Now, to their credit, Biden’s press lackeys didn’t simply stealth-edit the text; the mistakes are still visible in strikethrough. 

But really: The man’s the (nominal) leader of the richest and most powerful nation in the world.

He shouldn’t have a bunch of nameless, faceless interns desperately scrambling to tell America what he actually meant.

Especially since they had do it nine times in the same speech

Biden’s re-election campaign is already sinking. 

A few more spices spackles speeches like this, and it’ll actually be resting on the seabed.