
This bird-watching camera and feeder is 23% off in time for Fathers’ Day

Dads can be among the hardest people to shop for.

Some dads get what they want or need themselves. Some dads never express a want or need for anything. Others never seem to use the gifts you give them (it’s fine, Dad, I’m over it). So, when it comes to finding a unique gift for the father figure in your life that he didn’t know he needed, definitely wants, will have fun using, and probably won’t buy on his own, we may have found the answer.

The NETVUE Birdfy Smart Bird Feeder with Camera is the ultimate techy toy for outdoor lovers, retired folks, and those who could generally use a little check-in with nature more often. No matter where Dad’s located — city or country — this bird feeder is guaranteed to attract birds for miles.

One of the most exciting features of the Birdfy Smart Bird Feeder is its live-streaming capability. Dad can watch real-time footage of birds visiting the feeder directly on his smartphone via the NETVUE app. The app also allows for easy sharing of photos and videos on social media, so he can show off his feathered friends to family and friends.

NETVUE Birdfy Smart Bird Feeder with Camera

A bird standing on a bird feeder

Equipped with a high-definition camera, the Birdfy feeder captures stunning videos and photos of visiting birds. The camera features night vision, ensuring Dad doesn’t miss any nocturnal visitors. It also has a wide-angle lens, providing a broad view of the surrounding area, and a motion detection feature that alerts Dad whenever a bird stops by.

The NETVUE Birdfy feeder includes advanced AI technology that can identify over 6,000 bird species. This means Dad can learn about the different types of birds that visit his feeder without needing to reference Google or a bird guide. The app provides detailed information about each species, including their habits and calls, turning birdwatching into an educational experience.

Lastly, the Birdify feeder is built to withstand various weather conditions as it’s made from high-quality, durable materials. Whether it’s raining, snowing, or sunny, this feeder will remain intact and continue to attract birds. Its sturdy construction ensures it will last for years, making it a long-term investment in Dad’s enjoyment of nature.

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