US News

Jealous man tries to beat porn star to death with a golf club after he filmed adult scene with his ex-girlfriend

An enraged California man was arrested last month after he allegedly tried to run over a porn star and beat him with a golf club after the adult actor filmed a scene with his ex-girlfriend, according to police.

James Gosselin, 26, allegedly rammed his truck into the back of Bradley Hamilton’s motorcycle on April 2 in a jealous rage, according to a report and a criminal complaint from the Los Angeles District Attorney’s Office.

Gosselin was outraged that Hamilton and his former lover, identified only as “Gia,” made an adult movie together, according to a probable cause affidavit obtained by the Los Angeles Times.

Hamilton told LAPD detectives that after Gosselin hit his back tire, causing him to lose balance, he saw him unsuccessfully try to cover his face with a ski mask before getting out of the truck with a golf club.

Gosselin whiffed several times but allegedly did hit Hamilton once on his lower back, causing bruising, according to the warrant.

A Los Angeles Police car w
James Gosselin allegedly told his ex girlfriend that he was going to murder Hamilton. Elliott –

Hamilton then tackled Gosselin and cracked his orbital bone with a punch to the face.

Police arrived and detained Gosselin, who fessed up to owning the ski mask, golf club and illegal gun recovered from his truck. He was taken to the hospital but then released for an unnamed medical reason.

Hamiton told investigators that after Gosselin was released from the hospital he received a text from him that warned he was back out and was looking for him. He had a reputation for carrying a weapon on him, Hamilton said.

A mutual friend told police that Gosselin was upset about his breakup with Gia, which happened in February, and her relationship with Hamilton, according to documents.

Gosselin allegedly had told Gia he planned to wait for Hamilton on the street, murder him and then load his body in the truck.

Gosselin was arrested on April 4 and charged with attempted murder, two counts of assault with a deadly weapon other than a firearm, as well as illegal possession of a loaded gun in public, according to the criminal complaint.

He posted a $1 million bond the following day, jail records show.