US News

Sam Bankman-Fried being transferred to new prison in Calif., overriding request to stay in Brooklyn

Sam Bankman-Fried is set to be transferred from a New York lock-up potentially to one in California — against his wishes, according to a report.

The convicted crypto-crook – who is appealing his 25-year prison sentence – is in the process of leaving Brooklyn Federal Metropolitan Detention Center and was told he is heading to a prison in Mendota, California, sources told the Wall Street Journal.

FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried was transferred to a new prison.
FTX founder Sam Bankman-Fried was transferred to a new prison. AP

Bankman-Fried, 32, wanted to remain in the Big Apple so he could help prepare an appeal of his conviction after a jury found he stole $8 billion from customers of the now-defunct FTX cryptocurrency exchange.

The fallen tech mogul found out about his relocation a few days ago and was awoken early Wednesday to begin the transfer, sources told the outlet.

His lawyers in April requested that Bankman-Fried be allowed to remain in New York while they fight to overturn the conviction and sentence —  though the disgraced crypto-king ultimately wants to serve out his term in California to be closer to his parents, who live near Stanford University.

Mendota — which is roughly two hours from the area where his parents live — houses both a medium-security prison and a minimum-security satellite facility.

Bankman-Fried will likely be held in the former because of his long sentence, according to the report.

Later Wednesday, Manhattan federal Judge Lewis Kaplan issued an order, recommending to the federal Bureau of Prisons that Bankman-Fried remain at MDC “until his appeal has been fully briefed to facilitate access to appellate counsel.”

Bankman-Fried was convicted in November on seven counts of fraud and conspiracy and sentenced in March to the lengthy prison time — which was still over four times less than the 110 years he faced.

Prosecutors had recommended the former billionaire get 40- to 50-years behind bars, while Bankman-Fried requested a modest sentence of 5-1/4 years or less.

The BOP said it couldn’t confirm Bankman-Fried’s location until after the move was complete.

Lawyers for Bankman-Fried didn’t immediately return a request for comment.