
I’m dating someone with kids the same age as I am

A woman took to an advice Facebook group to ask a simple question about her age-gap relationship

Taking to the Tea Tea page, the Aussie asked the group’s 162k members: “Thoughts on being with someone that has kids around the same age as you?”

The anonymous post, which doesn’t specify any ages, has since racked up hundreds of responses, with people weighing in with their brutally honest opinions. 

The post that sparked the heated discussion

“The fact he would date someone the same age as his child is the most concerning part,” one person wrote. 

Another said: “Absolutely not! Not so much a problem for you but definitely a problem for their kids!! Imagine your parent dating someone young enough to be your sibling.”

Taking to the Tea Tea page, the Aussie asked the group’s 162k members: “Thoughts on being with someone that has kids around the same age as you?” Shutterstock

A third said, “That sounds very odd,” while a fourth called it, “Gross and inappropriate.”

“If my parent started dating someone my age, they would never hear from me again because I don’t hang out with predators,” a fifth claimed. 

Someone who was once in the kid’s position shared, “My dad did this and also had a child who is the same age as my children! Needless to say, I don’t have a relationship with him; he is like 68.”

“Absolutely foul,” a different member blasted.

“I could imagine how incredibly uncomfortable the children would feel.”

The anonymous post, which doesn’t specify any ages, has since racked up hundreds of responses, with people weighing in with their brutally honest opinions. Felix Mizioznikov –

“There’s no way I could be attracted to someone the same age as my kids, ever,” one mom replied.

Some people provided genuine advice to the OP, with one saying:

“Something to consider, if this goes serious, you’ll eventually be stepmom, truthfully when I say this, do you really think you’ll be seen and respected as a step-parent and be able to parent someone who could very well be your younger sibling?

“If it’s just a short fling, go for it the age gap isn’t too bad. However, I’d just consider the implications long term and if you think it’ll be too much to deal with.”

Others said it all depended on the extent of the age gap.

“Depends how old, like if the kid is 16 and you are 16, get out of here. If you are 35 and so is the kid, do what makes you happy,” one reasoned.

Someone who was once in the kid’s position shared, “My dad did this and also had a child who is the same age as my children! Needless to say, I don’t have a relationship with him; he is like 68.” mimagephotos –

“Pretty foul”

However, not everyone was so critical.

“My dad’s fiancé is only eight years older than I am, and I really couldn’t care less,” one woman revealed.

“They’re both equally matched as far as intelligence and emotional maturity and I don’t feel that there is a power imbalance or that she’s using him for anything, just that they love each other. I think it’s entirely situational and depends on the individuals involved.”

“Unpopular opinion, maybe, but I’m your age and definitely have more in common with my 40-year-old coworkers than I do their children who are in their late teens/early twenties,” said a different commenter. 

Someone else warned, “I say go for it, but don’t count on it getting too serious.”