US News

Airport ground crew member clings to life and loses leg after taxiing plane runs him over: video

An airline ground crew member is clinging to life after he was brutally run over by a 77-ton airplane on Sunday, according to a report and disturbing video.

The worker — a 32-year-old named Rail — was mowed down by the front landing gear of an Airbus A320 when the pilot started moving too early while taxiing on the tarmac of Koltsovo airport in the Russian city of Yekaterinburg, according to the Sun.

“While taxiing from the aircraft parking lot, the technician suffered a leg injury,” a spokesperson for Ural Airlines said. “An ambulance was called to the scene, and the circumstances are being clarified.”

An airline ground crew member is in critical condition after getting run over by a plane in Yekaterinburg, Russia.
An airline ground crew member is in critical condition after getting run over by a plane in Yekaterinburg, Russia. aviatorshina / East2west News

Doctors amputated one of his legs after the brutal collision. Rail still hasn’t regained consciousness, the outlet said.

“The patient is in intensive care, his condition is serious,” a hospital spokesperson said, according to the Sun.

The unidentified captain — who has been accused of negligence — was pulled off the flight and interrogated, the outlet added.

The Russian Investigation Committed has opened a criminal case into the “violation of safety rules that resulted in serious harm to health through negligence,” the Sun said.

The 32-year-old named Rail had to have his leg amputated.
The 32-year-old named Rail had to have his leg amputated. aviatorshina / East2west News

The captain also “did not give a command to turn off the intercom to the ground handling technician,” but started taxiing anyway.

After a three-and-half-hour delay, the plane finally took off for Bishek, the capital of Kyrgystan.