
Gavin Newsom is ‘just a prick,’ Andrew Cuomo is a ‘complete jacka–,’ New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu declares

He’s not mincing words.

Republican New Hampshire Gov. Chris Sununu dished Thursday on the current and former governors who “nobody liked” — claiming that Gavin Newsom and Andrew Cuomo are despised by other state leaders.

“I gotta be honest, no one cares for Gavin,” Sununu said of the California Democrat during an event at the Reagan Institute Summit on Education in Washington, DC. 

“Gavin is just a prick. He just is,” he added. “It’s really disappointing.” 

Sununu, 49, indicated that he used to get along well with Newsom, but now, even Democratic governors can’t stand him. 

Sununu said even his Democratic colleagues can’t stand California Newsom. AP

“They won’t tell you out loud, but behind closed doors, they’re like, ‘Oh, god, look who’s coming,’” he said. “They all roll their eyes.”

The jab at Newsom came after Sununu explained that “almost all the governors get along” and that in his eight years leading New Hampshire, “there’s really only been maybe two — maybe a third — but two governors that really nobody liked, nobody cared for at all.” 

The other is the former Democratic New York governor. 

“Andrew Cuomo. Complete jacka–. No one liked him,” Sununu said of the Empire State governor, who resigned in 2021 after a wave of scandals.

The feeling is apparently mutual.

Sununu blasted Andrew Cuomo, calling the former New York governor a “complete jacka–.” AP
New Hampshire Republican Gov. Chris Sununu announced last year that he would not run for re-election in 2024. The Hill

”I’m glad they feel the same way about each other,” Cuomo spokesperson Rich Azzopardi told The Post Friday of Sununu’s dig. 

Sununu, who announced last year that he would not seek a fifth two-year term in 2024, also touched on some of the positive relationships he’s developed with governors from the other side of the aisle.

“Tina Kotek a great example,” he said, referring to Oregon’s Democratic leader. 

“There is absolutely nothing Tina and I probably agree with politically, but she’s a wonderful person,” Sununu said. “I think she’s really great. I call her my favorite West Coast governor.” 

“Phil Murphy and I get along great,” he said of the Democratic New Jersey governor, praising his “amazing sense of humor.”

“Again, I don’t think he’s done a great job as governor … but we get along really, really well.” 

The Post has reached out to Newsom for comment.