
Trump’s historic Bronx rally: Letters to the Editor — May 27, 2024

The Issue: Former President Donald Trump’s historic 2024 presidential election rally in The Bronx.

There must have been nearly 10,000 New Yorkers, if not more, present at former President Donald Trump’s rally in the Bronx last Thursday (“Boogie Don in Da Bx.,” May 24).

They were shouting cheers of support for Trump’s pledge to repeat his successes if re-elected as president. Clearly, many New Yorkers in the audience have had enough of the leftists and Democrats ineptly governing our city, state and nation.

They want a proven leader back in charge of our nation’s well-being.

William Pauwels

Franklin Lakes, NJ

Just as my aunt said to her son upon his college graduation, I would say to Trump: You’ve done well.

His effort to engage with people facing challenges, such as inflation and crime, holds significant value for them. And Trump’s direct approach, unlike that of a typical politician entrenched in the elitist old boys’ club, resonates well with the American public.

He’s a good speaker and a great representative of the American people. Trump is working for their welfare and for the betterment of the entire country.

Jimmy Durda

The Bronx

I was amazed when I saw the front page of The Post on Friday.

Trump hosted a rally in The Bronx, a place traditionally thought of as a Democratic stronghold. And yet many attendees came out to support and cheer him on.

I find merit in Trump’s vision to improve New York and make our country great again. He displays true courage and determination.

Fred Bedell Jr.


The “Boogie Down” Bronx was figuratively burning during Trump’s rally, as the enthusiasm was off the charts.

All the while, President Biden was napping, likely late into the afternoon.

Tommy DeJulio

Delray Beach

Oh, no: It turns out that neither Hispanic people nor black people in The Bronx are all Democratic voters.
Their goal in life isn’t, unlike what the Democrats believe, for their children to live on welfare forever. They want criminals in jail, and they don’t want men in their daughter’s locker rooms.

Carol Meltzer


The Issue: New York’s annual Fleet Week welcoming US Navy ships and personnel at Pier 88 in Manhattan.

As Fleet Week 2024 commences, New York will welcome 11 different Navy ships (“Hey there, sailor,” May 23).

These sailors, pilots and other service personnel deserve a warm welcome from the people of our city. We owe all of them a debt of gratitude for their dedicated and unwavering service to our country.

May God bless them as they continue their service to our nation.

John Amato

Fresh Meadows

I believe that the Navy should reconsider resuming Fleet Week in New York.

In 1993, former New York Mayor David Dinkins, the City Council, several New York politicians and various newspapers all urged the Defense Department to close the then-new Naval Station New York on Staten Island. They succeeded, and it was closed in 1994.

Despite this, the Navy has continued to host Fleet Weeks in New York. Fleet Weeks, however, should be awarded to communities where people — who can be known by the politicians they elect and keep in office — have historically both respected and supported our country’s Navy.

At Fleet Week in New York, the Navy looks like a dog seeking a pat on the head from the people who previously kicked it.

Joseph McCusker

Bonn, Germany

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to [email protected]. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.