
June horoscopes: What Jupiter in Gemini means for each sign

Welcome to June, moonbeams, and the inspirational ethers of Gemini season.

This month is chock full of cosmic happenings. On June 3, those of us in the Northern Hemisphere who don’t mind an early call time can witness a “parade of planets” with Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune aligning for our viewing pleasure!

See here for the signs that will be most affected by this lineup.

On the same day, Mercury, the ruling planet of Gemini, will enter the twin zone where it will flex its mischievous intellect for a brief but beautiful two weeks.

On June 6, we’re all welcome to take a revitalizing sound bath and open ourselves to a stream-of-consciousness exercise during the new moon in Gemini.

On June 3, six out of the nine planets in our solar system will be visible in the predawn sky. Tryfonov –

On June 20, we celebrate the lengthening of days with the summer solstice. This day of days also coincides with the onset of Cancer season when we are all tasked with examining our root systems to cut away what no longer nourishes — and tend to what does.

Gemini has a reputation for rabbit holes and randomness, for talking to strangers, creating conspiracies and giving live birth to both transcendent poetry and counterfeit news. What defines this sign above all else is curiosity: a deep desire to see, chase and converse with the unknown and the unexpected.

At its most triumphant, that curiosity exists in the absence of judgment and in a state of suspended disbelief.

Gemini not only understands but embodies the belief that in the liminal, all things are possible.

For further proof, I bring you the musing of a native Gemini, the French novelist and madman (same same, but different) Gérard de Nerval: “I have never found that sleep was a rest. After a swoon of a few minutes, a new life begins, freed from conditions of time and space, and doubtless like the life that awaits us after death. Who knows whether there does not exist a link between these two existences and whether it is not possible for the soul now to bind them together?”

Gemini is that link between existences, the restless inquisitor who stands, chain-smoking, foot-tapping and head-humming within the matrix of possibilities and simultaneous timelines — and who knows that all directions and every perspective are worth investigating and that knowledge is the elusive rabbit itself.

Gemini is the sign of the liminal. Stellar Bones –

The big news of this Gemini season is that Jupiter, the planet of expansion and abundance, moves into the airy climes of the twins, a once every 12 years transit that amplifies our collective desire to learn, exchange, debate and grow. Jupiter set up shop in Gemini on May 25 and will remain there until June 9, 2025.

In honor of the great benefic moving into these airy territories, expert astrologer Evan Nathaniel Grim of Inner Worlds Astrology is on hand with his take on what each sign can expect while the planet of luck is dancing cheek to cheek with the sign of communicable chaos.

Read on to learn more.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Grim tells The Post that Aries folk should seek to learn and lean into language during this transit.

“You’ll have an insatiable thirst for more knowledge and you will open your mind to new subjects. This is also a very fortuitous time to write a book or immerse yourself in literature. You could also enroll in an educational course. This transit will feed a desire to explore your neighborhood or go on local road trips.”

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

Grim assures Taurus natives will get a boost in wealth and worth.

“This transit will amplify your sense of self-worth and also give you a fuller perspective on your natural talents. Your increased confidence will make it easier for you to attract a better-paying job. Some of you might indulge in luxurious experiences or accumulate more personal possessions.”

Jupiter is the planet of expansion and enlightenment. Getty Images/EyeEm

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini folks are more primed than others to benefit from the boon of Jupiter in their sign.

“You will travel to new locations, see the world differently, you’ll be learning new things from people, and you’ll want to bring more of the outside world in,” Grim tells The Post. “Especially from June to September, you’re seeing the big picture, and your faith in life is increasing. These perspectives will help you see the full scope of options in your career. You’ll therefore aim higher and chase a better professional opportunity. Relationships can also thrive, thanks to expanded self-confidence.

“You have more faith in yourself and the outside world, and people may be drawn to that energy.”

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Jupiter will be making it rain in your 12th house of the esoteric, the unconscious and the undead, Cancer

Grim explains: “You will be on a spiritual quest and will be broadening your perspective on spirituality. You will attain inspiring new insights about the mystical and the metaphysical. You may have vivid and prophetic dreams. You’ll gain a ton of wisdom whenever you enter a state of solitude, for example, meditation. You could even begin communicating with your spirit guides.”

For more information on how to commune with spirits this season, see our exorcist-approved guide here.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

For Leos, this transit will shine its benefic love light on their communities and causes.

“You will be expanding your friendships and enjoying more positive, uplifting experiences with friends. You could also enter into a new community that inspires you,” Grim says. “Overall, it will be a very socially active time. Some could explore new technologies or participate in politics. And the social media creators among you could amplify your presence on social media platforms.”

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

Virgos, Grim explains, are primed to shine during Jupiter’s tenure in a fellow mutable sign.

“You will benefit from growth and increased recognition in your career. Executives will look upon you more favorably and may assign you greater responsibilities. Your visibility in the public eye could increase. This growth may pull you away from a relationship, or maybe you’re too busy to be in a relationship. But if you want to be in a relationship, balance out these competing priorities.”

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

Libra “will be embarking on long-distance journeys in order to achieve a greater perspective on life,” says one expert. NY Post photo composite/Getty Images/iStockphoto

For the Libra ilk, Jupiter in Gemini highlights the ninth house of travel, mentorship, headiness, healing and higher education.

“You will be embarking on long-distance journeys in order to achieve a greater perspective on life. Others will enter into a new higher educational environment or accept a teaching role,” Grim reveals. “If you are a writer, you could encounter more success within the publishing world. Some of you will meet a healer while you’re traveling or will find a new mentor. These encounters will help you realize there’s a part of you that’s been blocking your own healing journey.”

Should you choose the path of psychic intervention, see our guide for spotting charlatans here.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

For Scorpio folks, Grim explains, “You will be expanding your investments and your perspective on your finances. You could identify more effective investing strategies or existing assets could grow in value. Some of you are also going to be tapping into a deep psychic power or mystic sense. You could also have transformative experiences through physical intimacy.”

Strategic investment and sex magic? Go off and get off, Scorpio.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

With Jupiter in their opposite sign, Sagittarius will see an emphasis on their romantic relationships.

“You could manifest a new partner in early June. And then late July through August looks quite intriguing when it comes to love. You will be more motivated and optimistic than at any time in recent memory in terms of finding a partner. Others are simply deepening their understanding of certain topics through others. These new relationships may take time away from family obligations so you’ll have to prioritize,” Grim says.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

Watch out for your work life, sea goat. Getty Images/iStockphoto

Jupiter in Gemini highlights your sixth house of routine, ritual and corporeal form, Capricorn.

As Grim explains, “Your day-to-day work will be hectic or you’ll be acquiring new skills to thrive at your job. You may also start a new job that requires new skill sets. Your work will likely be intellectually stimulating. You could potentially travel more frequently for work. Others will gain insightful perspectives on their health.”

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

It’s stage lights, creative juices, romantic exaltation and the path less traveled for you, Aquarius.

“Your creativity will be flourishing through the middle part of the year, and some will also benefit from an active romantic life, especially in late July and August,” Grim says. “Those already in a relationship will see sparks fly again during that time. The pull towards your creative side may clash with the work responsibilities you currently have. Many Aquariuses will realize that it’s worth taking the risk to do what they love, even if it’s not a guaranteed path.”

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

Jupiter in Gemini expands the concept of home and urges you to revel in new roots, Pisces.

Grim expounds: “You may be presented with opportunities to move or travel. You will also adopt a more optimistic perspective about your family, and this could lead to more harmonious relationships with them. Your home will become a source of learning and inspiration. The desire to venture out may conflict with some of the long-term professional goals you’ve set for yourself.”

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience. To book a birth chart reading, contact her via her website.