
Biden keeps rewarding illegal migrants for jumping the border

For all President Biden’s talk about trying to try to address the border crisis, The Post keeps discovering new ways he’s encouraging the tide of illegal migrants.

The latest:

  • The Post’s Jennie Taer reports that Biden’s team has quietly closed some 350,000 asylum cases over the last 2½ years — terminating the cases while neither granting asylum nor ordering deportation; the illegal migrant is free to move freely around the country as if he or she was never intercepted at the border.
  • Don Barnett of the Center for Immigration Studies found that Biden has created at least eight different programs that allow 3.3 million migrants, most of the illegal entrants, to get work permits, end-running the laws that supposedly require a half-year wait before even applying for the right to work legally — with another 1.4 million cases in the pipeline.
Male migrants from Jordan, China, Egypt and Colombia surrender to a border patrol agent after crossing into the U.S. from Mexico on May 15, 2024.
Male migrants from Jordan, China, Egypt and Colombia surrender to a border patrol agent after crossing into the U.S. from Mexico on May 15, 2024. REUTERS

It’s hard to say which is more outrageous: On one hand, he’s pretending to resolve dubious asylum claims while really just wiping them off the official record; on the other, he’s handing work permits to illegal migrants he shouldn’t even be letting in.

Per Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse (TRAC) data reviewed by The Post, the wipe-the-record-clean program is accelerating since ICE acting Deputy General Counsel Kerry Doyle ordered a new approach in 2022: Just 4,700 people saw their cases dismissed in 2020; then 102,550 in 2022 — more than 10 times the 2014 level.

It was 149,000 the next year and 2024 is set to pass that level when the fiscal year ends Sept. 30.

Dismissed cases, though technically still subject to deportation, get cut loose — no longer monitored by ICE or anyone.

“It’s as if you entered the country without having been caught,” notes immigration attorney Hector QuirogaIf.

The number of asylum cases OK’d is also way up under Biden, to an average of 40% approved, with most of the rest dismissed with less than a quarter ordered to leave.

A few of the fast-track work permits make some sense: for Afghan allies allowed in after Biden handed their country to the Taliban and for Ukrainians temporarily fleeing the Russian invasion.

But most go to illegal migrants from Colombia, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Venezuela, Nicaragua and Honduras under various Biden-enabled programs to quietly admit illegal migrants, as well ones from everywhere let in simply because they used the CPBOne app to schedule their illegal entry.

Bottom line: Biden continues to deny, deny, deny that the border crisis is his fault, as cities across America are overwhelmed by the unending flood of illegal migrants — even as he’s making it far easier for illegal migrants to enter, to stay without being tracked and even to work “legally.”

The White House knows the issue is killing Biden in the polls, but keeps working to reward as many border-jumpers as it can.

Yet they keep insisting Donald Trump is the great threat to our democracy.