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Anti-Israel group accused of breaking election laws as it backs reps Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar

A high-profile anti-Israel group was accused Monday of breaking election laws – and told it must come clean on how it is spending its donors’ cash.

The Jewish Voice for Peace Action PAC calls itself the “electoral wing” and “sister organization” of anti-Zionist group Jewish Voice for Peace, which has funded and organized campus protests, some of which turned violent. It also calls itself Jewish Vote for Peace.

But the Anti-Defamation League alleged Monday that JVP Action PAC is breaking strict laws on its spending – and said it should be forced to account for where its money goes.

Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar (left) was accused of calling Jewish students “pro-genocide.” Michigan Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib called for the destruction of Israel. They are both backed by JVP Action. Allison Bailey/NurPhoto/Shutterstock

The political action committee backs a slate of outspoken critics of Israel – among them Michigan Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib, who was censured by Congress for calling for the destruction of the Jewish state and justifying the Hamas Oct. 7 massacre as “resistance.”

It also calls for voters to back Bronx Rep. Jamaal Bowman, who is facing a tough primary over his anti-Israel record, and Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, who was accused of “blood libel” for calling Jewish students “pro-genocide” last month.

In a formal complaint to the Federal Election Commission the ADL alleged that JPV Action PAC spent a total of $82,956 from 2020 to 2023.

Yet only $1,775, or slightly more than two percent went to candidates.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib, has been identified by JVP Action as one of its key 2024 candidates. She was censured by Congress for calling the Oct. 7 Hamas massacre “resistance.”
The PAC also calls itself Jewish Vote for Peace when it appeals to donors for cash.

ADL attorney Steve Sheinberg told The Post, “I don’t know what they are doing with the money.

“But they are not doing what they are supposed to be doing. According to public filings, it looks like they received money, didn’t pay taxes on it and did not give the money to candidates.

“Considering JVP’s involvement in all manner of anti-Israel protests, I would like to know what the PAC money is being spent on.

“FEC must hold JVP PAC accountable for violations of the law.”

JVP Action PAC is also accused of taking illegal contributions from donors who had already given the $5,000 maximum per year, another breach of the law.

Bronx Rep. Jamaal Bowman (right) faces a difficult primary due to his anti-Israel record. He is receiving public backing from JVP Action as a “2024 candidate.” REUTERS

The complaint alleges that $19,656 was paid to an insurance firm and identified as legal expenses even though the insurer does not appear to practice law.

And, the complaint alleged, “The PAC’s reports show a number of financial discrepancies, discrepancies in cash on hand from report to report, and other reporting errors.”

The ADL’s complaint could lead to a full-scale FEC investigation into where the money really went and possible sanctions against it.

The Post reached out to JVP Action PAC and its treasurer Seth Morrison for comment.