
Face fear and find your focus during this week’s new moon in Gemini

We’re a scant two weeks from the summer solstice, coming in hot — with these solar flares and heat waves — on June 20th.

But before we get there, we get one more chance to channel the wild winds of the season of the twin when the new moon in Gemini arrives at 8:38 a.m. on Thursday, June 6, 2024.

The sun and moon are joined in Gemini by Mercury — planet of communication and currency — and Venus, planet of attraction and aesthetics. Gemini is symbolized in the Major Arcana of the Tarot by the Lovers card, a summons to look at life, others, and the universe at large as a reflection of the self.

Meaning of the new moon in Gemini

This week’s new moon in Gemini forms a challenging square with planet Saturn. Juulijs –

Gemini does not deal in absolutes but rather holds all possibilities and polarities at once. The beauty of the sign lies in its levity, its adaptability. The mantra here is “subject to change.”

As a symbol of duality, Gemini reminds us that the world is both a hellscape and a laugh riot, equal parts suffering and sublime.

Because Gemini lives in the orbit of simultaneous potential, it may be difficult to find your focal point during this new moon.

Come Thursday, the new moon and Venus in Gemini will be squaring off with dad jeans/joy-kill planet Saturn in Pisces. The bad news? Saturn does not dole out instant gratification, nor short-order success.

The good news? Saturn is a benevolent dictator/time lord who rewards clear vision, a concise ask and dedicated effort.

The sign of Gemini is associated with the Lovers tarot card. Wiro Klyngz –

Gemini is never at a loss for ideas but can struggle to effectively edit and execute them. In this sense, the relationship between Gemini and Saturn can be seen as focusing in and leveling up, where the dream gets a scaffold and the lightning bolt a lasso.

Translation; listen for the constant chord in the chaotic cacophony of choices.

Gemini is the sign of language, so never has the time been more nigh to set your intentions to paper.

Thoughts are seeds and conversations conduit during this new moon, so pay particular attention to the quality of both. What we seek to sow may take some time to cultivate, but if we stay the course we’re primed for a long-off — but long-term — payoff.

Author Salman Rushdie is a triple Gemini. zz/KGC-107/STAR MAX/IPx

“We all owe death a life.”

Salman Rushdie

Look for the good good to come through over the next six months. And when you are faced with minor setbacks, squint to see them as beneficial reroutes rather than an all-out derailing.

Triple Gemini (sun, moon and Venus) Salman Rushdie reminds us, “We all owe death a life.”

I hope that under the dark skies of this new moon, you choose what will make for the most dazzling debt.

This lunation will hit particularly hard for those with heavy placements in the mutable signs; Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience.