US News

Bird lands on White House reporter’s head right before live broadcast in wild caught-on-camera moment

This bird thought it was on CNBC’s “Squawk Box.”

A bird landed on top of a White House reporter’s head right before she was set to go live in a wild on-camera moment that left her nearly speechless.

NewsNation reporter Kellie Meyer was on camera preparing to go on air from the White House lawn when a bold dove flew up behind her and right onto her head.

The dove landed on top of NewsNation White House reporter Kellie Meyer’s head right before she was going to go on air. Kellie Meyer/X

Meyer, shocked, ducked down yelling out, “Oh my god, it landed on me” and the dove flew off while the journalist tried to make sense of what just happened.

She patted her hair and smoothed it down while trying to gather her words in disbelief at what had just happened — nearly letting out an expletive on camera.

“Yeah, I’m OK,” she told the producers as she laughed off the wild ordeal and struggled to regain her composure while chuckling.

Meyer tried to gather her words and her composure as she laughed to herself at the wild incident. Kellie Meyer/X

Meyer shared the clip on X on Tuesday so others could get a laugh as well.

Meyer shared a clip of the shocking incident on X, where users identified the bird as a dove and said it was good luck. Kellie Meyer/X

“GUYS. I know there was a lot of news today but a bird landed on my head at the White House right before I went live with @LelandVittert @NewsNation,” she tweeted. “He really just wanted to tune in. Our feeds room caught it and saved it of course for your viewing pleasure.”

Commenters identified the bold bird as a mourning dove and recalled the adage that a dove landing on a person is good luck.

Many complimented Meyer’s composure and suggested she go out and buy a lotto ticket.