
Flight attendant reveals the one item you should always leave in a hotel room safe to avoid disaster

There are specific things you put into a hotel safe upon arrival, such as passports, wallets, jewelry and other valuables.

But there’s one thing that everyone should store there that wouldn’t naturally cross your mind: a shoe.

A flight attendant named Esther shares travel hacks on her TikTok account, which is where she revealed this “game-changing” insight.

A flight attendant named Esther shares travel hacks on her TikTok account. TikTok / @esthersturrus

“Worried about forgetting something from your locker?” she wrote. “Put your heel/shoe in it and you won’t forget it!”

The thought process is that you can’t leave the room without wearing shoes since it’s part of your day-to-day wear, so if you leave one shoe in the lockbox, you’ll have to go into the safe and you won’t leave anything else behind that’s in there.

There are specific things you put into a hotel safe upon arrival, such as passports, wallets, jewelry and other valuables. TikTok / @esthersturrus
“Worried about forgetting something from your locker?” she wrote. “Put your heel/shoe in it and you won’t forget it!” TikTok / @esthersturrus

This also works with any vital article of clothing such as a coat.

Esther shared other tips in the same video as well.

For example, if curtains aren’t closing properly, use a clothes hanger with clips to keep the two sides together.

If your world travel plug isn’t working, use a USB cord and charge your device in the TV.

Shower caps also have multiple purposes, such as using them as a cover for your shoes or as a protector for the remote to avoid germs.

Hotel rooms that require using a room key for electricity don’t actually need your key — any card will suffice to keep the power on.