
Let the thin blue line flag fly: Letters to the Editor — June 11, 2024

The Issue: A Connecticut city’s decision not to fly the ”thin blue line” flag to honor a former state trooper.

The Wethersfield, Conn. town council refused to fly the “thin blue line” flag at their town hall to honor slain hero State Trooper Aaron Pelletier, who was killed in the line of duty while protecting his community (“Tragic trooper insult,” June 7).

This was a sign of total disrespect to the former trooper, his family and all law enforcement personnel. As St. Michael the Archangel welcomes this hero into heaven, I am hopeful that he will forgive these misguided council members.

Rest in peace, brother.

Louie Scarcella


I hope Wethersfield Town Councilman Miki Duric and Councilwoman Emily Zambrello have to contemplate their actions for years to come.

To not fly the “thin blue line” flag in the public square is a slap in the face to the Pelletier family and every law abiding American citizen.

Alfred Bonnabel


What is wrong with Democratic politicians?

A police officer is murdered, and the town council in Wethersfield votes against a request to fly the American flag alongside with the “thin blue line” flag that honors police. This same town council, however, was happy to previously fly the Pride flag.

I hope the citizens of Wethersfield vote these charlatans out of office.

Charlie Honadel

Venice, Fla.

I do not understand the logic behind the Wethersfield town council’s decision to refuse to fly the “thin blue line” flag at the funeral for Pelletier.

After all, even if that flag has been flown by some white supremacists at some times, that wouldn’t mean that the people who are flying it in support of police officers are also white supremacists.
In fact, five heroic Capitol Hill police officers lost their lives as a result of the trauma they endured in the Jan. 6 riot — which many see as a white-supremacist attack.

That should be enough of a reason for everyone to support the flying of the “thin blue line” flag.

John Fox


Did Pelletier know 30 days in advance that he was going to be killed so that he could legally file a request to fly the “thin blue line” flag in his honor? This is so disgusting that it hardly bears words. The Wethersfield council members should hang their heads in shame.

Myra Langsam


Isn’t it ironic that the people who refused to let the “thin blue line” flag fly for the trooper killed in the line of duty are the same people who call the police when they feel threatened?

Obviously, Wethersfield’s council is awash with imbeciles among whom the Pride flag flies freely.
You can’t have it both ways — or in Wethersfield’s case, regarding the “thin blue line” flag, maybe they can. But has anyone in Wethersfield asked if the Pride flag offends people, too?

Kevin Judge


I fully understand that the “thin blue line” flag honors the police. But according to 4 US Code Section 8 regarding respect for the flag: “The flag should never have placed upon it, nor on any part of it, nor attached to it any mark, insignia, letter, word, figure, design, picture, or drawing of any nature.”

Regardless, the police need to pick a side. Either the side that wants to defund them or the side that wants to defend them.

Charles Prignano

Colorado Springs, Colo.

It’s cool to see that my small hometown in Connecticut is getting national coverage.

But it’s not cool that it’s happening for the wrong reasons. A state trooper was killed, and Wethersfield’s council doesn’t fly the “thin blue line” flag afterward. So what?

To start, who decided that the “thin blue line” flag was the one to represent cops in this country? Not to mention that Pelletier is likely going to get a massive police funeral with a full escort anyway. Is that not enough?

And why bring up the Pride flag as an example of a double standard? It’s Pride Month, so of course Wethersfield would have flown it.

Nathan Hollings

Wethersfield, Conn.

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