
Believe ‘anti-Israel’ protesters when they tell you they hate Jews

These “anti-Zionist” and “anti-Israel” protesters keep showing us what they really are: Jew-haters, pure and simple. They literally just announced it in their vile displays at memorials for the victims of the Nova Music Festival massacre.

Monday afternoon, in Union Square, these goons flew a “Long live October 7th” banner.  

And an “anti-Zionist” calmly said, on camera, “I wish Hitler was still here — he woulda wiped all you out.”

A man was videotaped in Union Square telling a group of Jewish people he wished Hitler was “still here.” @luketress/X

At a downtown exhibition commemorating the Oct. 7 murders of 364 innocents by Hamas killers, that same group of protesters shouted and screamed Monday night for yet more blood with chants of “Long live the Intifada!”

Funny: These people keep insisting they’re not motivated by antisemitism, that their actions are merely a response to Israel’s alleged crimes, yet whenever they gather as a group, it’s somehow always to celebrate the deaths of Jews.

Indeed, in some cases to openly call for more of them.

As that obscene banner did. 

And the moral criminal speaking in favor of a second Holocaust. 

Indeed, the Auschwitz enthusiast in Union Square gave the whole game away: “You all” clearly means Jews, not Zionists. 

A few protesters covered in a keffiyeh – traditional Palestinian headwear – waved the banner with the disturbing message celebrating last year’s Hamas attack on Israel
A few protesters covered in keffiyehs waved a banner with the disturbing message celebrating last year’s Hamas attack on Israel. FreedomNewsTV

And remember, at the downtown protest, someone raised the flag of Hezbollah — an Iranian proxy army operating in Lebanon.

What on earth does that have to do with “freeing Palestine”? 

No, for these Hamas-loving thugs, the Palestinian cause is simply an excuse to let out their naked Jew-hatred. 

This has been enabled by leftist pols like AOC and Jamaal Bowman.

By the media, which steadfastly ignore the tenor of incidents like this while endlessly running interference for Hamas. 

And by the Biden administration itself, which stood idly by as Nazi-esque hoodlums vandalized a statue of the Marquis de Lafayette across from the White House and sent out Vice President Kamala Harris to moan lugubriously over the IDF’s astonishing rescue of hostages

As Maya Angelou once remarked, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”

Time to take that advice to heart with the current day’s bloodthirsty “anti-Zionists.”