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‘Trad wife’ sales manager fired after using N-word in foul-mouthed cooking video

A TikTokker who claims to be a “trad wife” has been fired after casually dropping the N-word in a cooking video.

Lilly Gaddis filmed herself in the kitchen as she used the racist slur — and also referenced “dumb whores,” “immigrants fresh off the boat looking for a green card” and “gold diggers.”

The video racked up millions of views before TikTok suspended her account.

Following backlash, Gaddis posted a non-apology apology video Monday, admitting the clip “seems to have upset members of a certain community.”

Lilly Gaddis casually dropped the N-word in a TikTok video.

“All the backlash made me do a deep dive and a soul search and after all that, I still couldn’t find a care,” Gaddis proudly stated on X.

A “trad wife” is short for “traditional wife” — someone who believes in the outdated notion that a woman’s role is in the home, cooking, cleaning and caring for children.

Before her videos took off on social media, Gaddis worked as a marketing and sales manager at Rophe of the Carolinas, a home health care company for the elderly and disabled in Wilmington, NC.

Although Rophe of the Carolinas did not name Gaddis, it emphasized in a statement Tuesday that the “newly hired” employee was axed over “inflammatory remarks on social media that do not align with the values and beliefs of our company.”

“Oh no I just got fired! #mob,” Gaddis later tweeted.

Gaddis was fired from her job as a marketing and sales manager at Rophe of the Carolinas.

In the video at the center of the drama, Gaddis airs her grievances that “certain guys” think all women are gold diggers as she cooks in her kitchen.

“You are getting the opinion from some dumb whores and immigrants fresh off the boat looking for a green card. Yes, they are probably gold diggers, but that is the exception — I am the rule,” she continued casually.

“Everyone I know that is married right now is married to broke-ass [N-word], and they don’t care. We don’t give a f–k about money.”

Gaddis doubled down on her use of the slur in several comments, tweets and following videos.

She previously gained some notoriety for ranting on the Chinese-owned platform that nerds in high school — “the people we didn’t hang out with” — grew up to be famous actors, tech billionaires and scientists who are making laws and ruining the world for “normies” like her.

After the fallout, Gaddis doubled down on her use of the racial slur, even as her comments were flooded by users in disbelief.

In response to one commenter asking her to repeat herself, Gaddis wrote: “You heard me.”

In a follow-up video, Gaddis said she “couldn’t find a care” about offending people with her use of the slur.

Gaddis has since spouted off a series of tweets relishing the attention her videos have garnered her, including one where she once again uses the slur.

“Thanks, black community, for helping to launch my new career in conservative media!” she wrote on X. “You all played your role well like the puppets you are.”

Gaddis did not immediately respond to The Post’s request for comment.