
The astrological reason why you should trust no one this week — not even yourself

Blessedly, the astro weather for Gemini season and the merry merry month of June has been almost, dare I say it, chill.

But as all good things and every bad sitcom must come to an end so too does the easy breezy take its leave of us.

This week, Mercury, planet of communication, and Venus, planet of aesthetics and attraction, are in Gemini and both are forming a rough square with Neptune, planet of dreams, drugs and delusions in Pisces. This transit hinders our ability to hear and see people clearly.

Translation: Trust no one and nothing, not what they say, not what you see, not even yourself.

Named for the god of the sea, Neptune beckons us to believe in bulls–t. zwiebackesser –

This square dance takes place in two signs known for their slippery dispositions. Both Gemini and Pisces are represented by double figures, immortal twins and opposing fishes, respectively. These signs are defined by their ability to adapt, hold conflicting perspectives, court chaos and candy flip in the flower fields of imagination and the sewers of imaginary facts.

In this way, the square serves as an invitation to prize curiosity over certainty, consideration over full send commitment or rejection. It’s also a great time to experiment with wispy bangs, shoulder pads and/or a fake British accent. You do you.

Noting that the square takes place in mutable signs, astrologer Evan Nathaniel Grim suggests, “People are more likely to be open minded and adaptable but also two-faced and deceitful. Apply a critical eye to any situation and consider the ulterior motives whenever someone promises you something.”

This square hinders our ability to hear and see people clearly. Elena –

Gemini and Pisces are known to lie by omission and sidestep conflict even and especially when they are the cause. They’re also prone to paranoia and more likely to talk to ghosts than their other zodiac compatriots.

We should aim that same critical eye at news reports, second hand information, gossip, vivid dreams and deals that seem to good to be true.

Pisces is allergic to confrontation, preferring to disassociatively ruminate over clouds, norwal semen and jelly beans rather than face the proverbial music or any interpersonal problem. Grim warns, “If people are being overly nice to you, they may just be avoiding a more challenging subject.”

Neptune is forming a tense square with Mercury and Venus this week. revers_jr –

This suspicious behavior is especially likely among those that have major placements in the later degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius or Pisces.

The best course of action is to keep communication direct and clear, and avoid speaking in metaphors unless you’re compiling a poetry collection.

Neptune exists to cloud judgment, muddy meaning and provide a kind of anesthetic to the daily torments of reality. With Venus in the mix, this can translate to a failure to see ourselves as we are, for better or worse. This square also lends itself to real-deal romantic pedestaling where partners are viewed as the faultless, dewy-skinned demi gods we wish they were rather than a fragile mixture of failure, dandruff and tenderness they truly are.

Neptune muddies meaning, putting a strain on communication. Jacob Lund –

During this transit, the best course of action is to ask clarifying questions and handle every piece of information you receive, or love-drunk sentiment you feel, with a proverbial grain of salt.

Keep in mind that no person is pure and no truth is absolute.

This is easy advice for Scorpios, who routinely sleep with one eye open and abjectly refuse to trust people eight days a week.

For the more recklessly gullible among us, take pause, take stock, peer deep, proceed with caution and hold off on decisions, proposals, or final opinions until next week when the air clears, the deceit dissipates and the stars shine a little kinder.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience