
My best friend had a shocking reaction when I told her I was becoming a grandmother

Sharing good news with a best friend should be a happy occasion and something you can both celebrate. But for one upset woman and soon-to-be grandmother, her joyful announcement caused friction with her bestie.

Taking to a popular Mumsnet forum, the grandma-in-waiting explained her predicament.

“My closest friend who I see at least once a week and am in contact with by phone and messenger has dropped me like a ton of bricks now that I am to have a grandchild,” she wrote.

“To give you a bit of background, she is 10 years older than me and has two sons who both still live at home with her and her husband – they are 35 and 37- and who have never been in a relationship.

“She has always said she is glad she won’t have grandchildren as she doesn’t want the responsibility but I have always said to her that I would love grandchildren and that I think that both of my sons would love a family.”

A woman told her best friend she is a grandma-to-be, but her friend was less than thrilled.
A woman (not pictured) told her best friend (not pictured) she is a grandma-to-be, but her friend was less than thrilled. Getty Images

“She walked away”

And in happy news for the original poster, one of her sons and his partner are now 20 weeks pregnant.

“I told my friend about the pregnancy over a week ago when we were at another event together,” the woman writes.

“I announced my good news to our mutual group of friends and my friend just got up, walked away from the table, and didn’t come back for 15 minutes.

“I have been waiting for her to message me, like she always does, at the beginning of the week, for us to get together later in the week for a coffee or lunch. But this week there is nothing.”

The upset granny-to-be believes her lack of contact may come down to envy and she asks the forum how she should proceed next.

“I suspect she is jealous, that she does really want grandchildren and that she is upset. So, what do I do? Do I contact her or is that putting her under pressure when she doesn’t actually want to see me at the moment? Or do I leave her for a while to get used to the news?”

“I’m sorry she is no friend”

Some of the comments were highly sympathetic with the original poster’s plight.

“Of course she’s jealous – her 35 and 37 year old sons are living at home and are clearly not independent no matter what she says,” says one comment.

When the woman told her friends the good news, one got up and walked away.
When the woman (not pictured) told her friends (not pictured) the good news, one got up and walked away. Getty Images

“If she can’t put her jealousy aside and wish you well then I’m sorry but she is no friend.”

But others felt the woman was not being empathic to her friend.

“Is she upset that her sons haven’t left home and found relationships,” one woman asks.

“Or struggling with the sudden realisation that she’s worried about them and suddenly aware she would love a grandchild?

“These all seem like distinct possibilities if someone bolts off when someone else announces a bit of news. I would have expected you who describes this person as your best friend, to be a lot more compassionate and understanding.”

Another agreed and suggested reaching out for a catch up.

“She hasn’t, as you said, dropped you like a ton of bricks at all,” one poster remarked.

“You told her the news just over a week ago, and she hasn’t been in touch since – possibly she’s just taking some time to process it?

“Why not contact her and suggest a coffee? That is, if you do value your best friend?”

“It’s reminded her of the bits of life she might not experience”

Another suggests maybe her friend was not being honest with her in the first place and that an olive branch is needed.

“Your friend has been trying to talk herself around her sons ‘failures to launch’ and it sounds like your lovely news has just reminded her of the bits of life that she might not get to experience.

“I’d phone her, and check in and arrange to meet as normal. Leave the baby chat to a minimum and let her bring it up.”

Hopefully these besties can find their way back to each other for more coffee dates soon.