
The week in whoppers: MSNBC podcaster flips script on Biden’s respect for the law, Homeland Security boss spins reality on border crossers and more

Diary of disturbing disinformation and dangerous delusions

This praise:

“You have a president of the United States who is the living embodiment of the rule of law.”

— MSNBC podcaster Andrew Weissmann, Tuesday

We say: Weissmann, a key figure in the phony Trump Russiagate probe, claims the guilty verdict in Hunter Biden’s gun case shows President Biden respects the rule of law.

Seriously? Biden’s Justice Department worked hard to avoid charging the first son.

If not for a judge questioning a sweetheart plea deal it offered Hunter, the gun charge would’ve been dismissed.

What the case really shows is that despite Biden and Justice’s efforts, Hunter couldn’t get away with blatant gun violations.

Meanwhile, Joe’s own tolerance for (if not outright participation in) Biden-family corruption says all you need to know about his respect for the law.

This claim:

“Our personnel have done an extraordinary job in implementing a very big shift in how we operate on the southern border.”

— Homeland Security boss Alejandro Mayorkas, Sunday

We say: Shift? What shift? Yes, Biden made a big announcement about finally cracking down on illegal border-crossers.

Yet since then, tens of thousands of migrants have continued to flood in.

Team Biden wants voters to think he’s fixing the border at last, but fake announcements and hollow claims by Mayorkas won’t sway anyone. Only dramatically lower numbers will. 

This story:

“Eric Adams Praised a Reporter’s Body. It Wasn’t His First Such Remark.”

The New York Times, Wednesday

We say: Ooh — better watch out, Mayor Adams!

The Gray Lady caught you red-handed telling Fox News reporter Pete Cuddihy (gasp!) he looks like he’s been “working out,” he’s “got that summer body going.”

Worse, Adams once told Cuddihy he liked his turtleneck.

And Adams’ has made similarly “inappropriate” comments to others, too. How shameful!

True, no sane person would take offense at such harmless banter. Cuddihy himself says he didn’t feel “uncomfortable.”

Yet to the Times’ woke staffers, even compliments can be a form of “sexual harassment.”

Heaven forbid they focus on real issues, like the horrific surge in antisemitism in the city.

This tweet:

We say: The group behind this tweet, which describes itself as “the largest online community of President Biden’s supporters,” obviously takes its cues on fibbing from the Big Guy himself.

In fact, Biden hasn’t done one single thing to reduce inflation. Even Democrats admit his misnamed Inflation Reduction Act, if anything, pushes prices up.

And lower inflation simply means prices are rising more slowly — but they’re still rising.

A Fathers Day barbecue will run you 10% more than last year (burgers on their own are up 15%).

Overall, prices are up a whopping 20% since Biden took office.

Compiled by The Post Editorial Board