
John Barrasso accuses Deb Haaland of ‘political sympathy’ with pro-Hamas vandals who damaged DC

A Republican senator has charged President Biden’s interior secretary with showing “political sympathy” for pro-Hamas vandals by not cracking down on thousands of demonstrators who descended on the White House last weekend and marred monuments in the nation’s capital.

John Barrasso (R-Wyo.), the ranking member of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee, told Interior Secretary Deb Haaland in a Thursday letter he was “deeply troubled” by the “clear acts of violence and vandalism” committed by “pro-terror, anti-Israel agitators.”

“Disturbingly, police reported no arrests following protesters’ clear acts of violence and vandalism, leaving many questions unanswered about the adequacy of the response to this incident,” he told Haaland.

Sen. John Barrasso (R-Wyo.) is accusing Interior Secretary Deb Haaland of exercising “political sympathy” by not cracking down on pro-Hamas protesters at the White House last weekend. JIM LO SCALZO/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock

“I question whether political sympathy with the agitators influenced your department’s response to these acts of violence and vandalism.”

Thousands of jihadi supporters defaced statues of the French military leaders Comte de Rochambeau and Marquis de Lafayette, who aided the Continental Army and George Washington in defeating the British during the Revolutionary War.

Another statue of former US President Andrew Jackson was also vandalized after almost being toppled by demonstrators four years before during rioting following the death of George Floyd.

“Death to AmeriKKKa” the protesters scrawled on the statues, along with “Long live Hamas” and “Muslims 4 Hamas.”

Additional fencing had been erected by federal authorities to protect the executive mansion ahead of the demonstration.

President Biden was not in Washington at the time, but was in France for commemorations of the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

Thousands of pro-Hamas protesters defaced statues of the French military leaders Comte de Rochambeau and Marquis de Lafayette. Getty Images
“Death to AmeriKKKa” they scrawled on the statues, along with “Long live Hamas” and “Muslims 4 Hamas.” Getty Images

Neither the Metropolitan Police Department nor the US Secret Service reported any arrests in the immediate aftermath, according to the Washington Free Beacon and the Washington Post.

The National Park Service (NPS) has also not yet assessed the total damages to monuments and other property.

A spokesperson for Metro Police confirmed on Friday that “no arrests” had been made “related to the protests near the White House.”

The National Park Service and Secret Service did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Biden paused a weapons shipment to Israel and administration officials have pushed for a cease-fire — but he has faced ongoing opposition from his party for backing Israel. AFP via Getty Images

One of the groups organizing the protest, the ANSWER Coalition, accused Biden of crossing a “red line” by allowing Israel to invade Rafah, the last stronghold of Hamas, and called for an immediate cease-fire and end to US funding for Israel’s war against the terror group.

Biden, 81, paused a weapons shipment to Israel and administration officials have pushed for a cease-fire — while Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has stood firm on the need to eliminate Hamas from Gaza before concluding the war.

The wartime decisions come as the president faces an uphill battle to re-election in 2024, with tens of thousands of “uncommitted” voters in battleground states opposing him over his administration’s support for Israel.

Also on Thursday, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) introduced a bill to enforce mandatory minimum prison sentences on vandals who mar statues and destroy other federal property.

“These overt criminal acts, committed on your watch, necessitate your unequivocal condemnation and decisive action to help bring these agitators to justice,” Barrasso wrote about Haaland in his letter. CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images

“These overt criminal acts, committed on your watch, necessitate your unequivocal condemnation and decisive action to help bring these agitators to justice,” Barrasso scolded Haaland in his letter.

“As the Secretary of the Interior, your support of the [US Park Police] and National Park Service is paramount to the security of our federal lands,” he said. “The brazen assaults and subsequent vandalism are stark reminders of the vulnerabilities faced by law enforcement officers and rangers who serve and protect our national treasures.”

“Your strong and immediate response is essential in affirming our national commitment to the rule of law and the safety of our federal personnel and properties,” the Republican added.

Barrasso has asked Haaland to answer questions about her department’s coordination with other local and federal law enforcement departments to hold the vandals accountable. Getty Images for Outdoor Recreation Roundtable

Barrasso has asked for the Interior Department to answer questions about its coordination with other local and federal law enforcement departments to hold the vandals accountable and ensure the future safety of park rangers — at least one of whom was assaulted during the protest.

When offered the opportunity to respond to Barrasso Friday, an Interior Department spokesperson told The Post: “No, thank you.”