US News

Trump praises AI for rewriting speech ‘so beautifully’: ‘I’m gonna use this sucker!’

Former President Donald Trump had one of his speeches “rewritten with AI” — and was so impressed he wanted to jokingly tell his speechwriter, “You’re fired!”

Trump told influencer Logan Paul during their unexpected podcast sit-down that it took the “super duper” artificial intelligence program just 15 seconds to knock his words into great shape.

“What it does is so crazy,” Trump told Paul, calling AI “really powerful stuff” that can “be really used for good.”

Trump and Logan Paul.
Trump discussed using AI in his interview with Logan Paul, saying the technology “comes out with the most beautiful writing.” X / @impaulsive

“I had a speech rewritten by AI out there,” he said, without elaborating on which one or if it was ever delivered.

“One of the top people [in AI] said, ‘Oh, you’re gonna make a speech?’ He goes click click click, and like 15 seconds later he shows me my speech, written so beautifully, I said, ‘I’m gonna use this sucker!'” he recalled.

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” he said admiringly. “It took it and it made it unbelievable, and it’s so fast.”

He then joked that it put him back to his former “Apprentice” mode, saying it was so good he wanted to tell his speechwriter, “You’re fired!”

“It comes out with the most beautiful writing, so one industry I think that will be gone are these wonderful speechwriters. I’ve never seen anything like it, and so quickly. A manner of literally minutes, it’s done. It’s a little bit scary,” he said.

His remarks come amid growing concerns about the use of generative AI tools to spread disinformation ahead of the presidential elections this year.

Trump chatted with Logan Paul during a podcast sit-down.
Trump chatted with Logan Paul during a podcast sit-down. X / @impaulsive

Earlier in the interview, Trump also spoke about deepfakes, saying he’d seen one of him “promoting a product” which he “could not tell” wasn’t real.

“The voice was perfect,” he continued. “The lips moved perfectly with every word. If you were a lip reader you’d say, ‘It’s absolutely perfect.’”

The high-quality fakes are “scary in particular” if “you’re the president of the United States,” he added, before discussing a potential doomsday scenario in which a deepfake of the commander-in-chief announces a nuclear strike on another country.

He theorized that a country that believed it was really being targeted could respond with “maybe a counterattack” agains the U.S.

“It’s so dangerous in that way,” he warned, while highlighting its ability to also work for good.