
Former paramedic reveals the child’s bruise no parent should ever ignore

Bruising, cuts and scrapes all form part of a normal kids’ life, and if you have active little ones who love to run, jump or climb, you will have seen plenty of minor bumps and bruises as a parent.

While most bruises can be treated with an ice pack, cuddles and possibly some pain relief, other much rarer bruises need more attention.

A now viral post on Tiny Hearts Education, featured a rare and potentially deadly bruise that parents should watch for.

The video shows the back of the head of a toddler-aged child with a small, dark bruise behind their ear.

The words, ‘parents don’t ignore this bruising’, are overlaid on top of the short clip showing the bruise from a few angles.

Though most bruises can be treated with an ice pack, other bruises found on children need to be checked out immediately. zilvergolf –

“Bring them in urgently”

The caption goes into a little more detail about what to do if you see this particular bruise on your child.

‘If you see bruising behind your child’s ear (called Battle sign), there’s a chance that they might have a serious skull fracture. Bring them in urgently to be seen by a doctor for assessment.’

Tiny Hearts Education warns of a bruise behind a child’s ear as being dangerous. Tiny Hearts Education/Instagram
A bruise behind the ear could be a sign of a skull fracture. Tiny Hearts Education/Instagram

While the video has been liked over two and half million times, and shared nearly 28,000 times, the comments are mostly from shocked parents tagging each other or considering whether to follow up on old injuries.

“I never knew this,” writes one mum.

“My son hit his head not long ago and the first thing the nurse on call told me was to check his ears.”

If a bruise like this is found on a child, they should be brought to a doctor immediately. Tiny Hearts Education/Instagram

According to the Royal Children’s Hospital in Melbourne website, Battle sign, or bruising behind the ear ‘typically indicates a fracture of the middle cranial fossa. As with periorbital bruising, Battle’s sign may present several days post injury.’

When to take your kid to the doctor if you’re worried about bruises

For any parent with concerns about a bruise behind the ear, it is important to get your child checked over by a doctor, even if the head injury was a few days prior as it seems it can present later.

While it pays to keep a close eye out for the Battle sign, most bruises are usually nothing to worry about.

Toddlers are constantly covered in bruises while learning to walk and older kids might often become bruised if they play a lot of sport. Some medications can also increase the risk of bruising – for example, aspirin and ibuprofen.