Sex & Relationships

Americans work out to have better sex — and dump those who don’t: survey

Workouts can help you feel better — in more than one way.

Americans work out to have better sex and dump those who don’t, according to a recent survey of 2,000 adults conducted by personal fitness app Zing Coach.

Regular workouts have been proven to not only boost sexual desire but also enhance stamina and flexibility, factors essential for a healthy sex life.

About 1 in 5 do cardio specifically to improve their sexual stamina, while 1 in 3 focus on lower body workouts, planks or Kegels.

To improve their moves under the covers, 4 in 10 perform stretching exercises to improve their flexibility during sex, while 1 in 5 doubles down on downward dog with yoga or pilates.

Working out won’t only help you to satisfy your partner, but will also make you more willing to.

Some 52% of people say exercise increases their sex drive — and it’s not all a sexual fantasy.

Regular exercise has been scientifically proven to lead to increased testosterone levels for men, which adds extra fuel to their sex drive.

young couple kissing in the bed
Some 52% of people say exercise increases their sex drive — and it’s not all a sexual fantasy. Getty Images/iStockphoto

For women, it aids the release of an enzyme linked to increased blood flow to the genitals and sexual arousal.

But working out at Equinox or sweating it out at Barry’s isn’t the only way to get the benefits of exercise.

Sex itself can also burn calories, build stronger muscles, reduce stress, lead to better sleep, and improve your overall health — along with giving you glowing skin.

Nearly 3 in 4 Americans surveyed agree that sex (72%) is a workout, according to a survey from Peloton — and the experts (yes, yes, yes!) approve.

 couple of lovers relaxing in bed
Sex itself can also burn calories, build stronger muscles, reduce stress, lead to better sleep, and improve your overall health — along with giving you glowing skin. Getty Images/iStockphoto

That’s why some people exchange gym time for a more intimate workout session.

About 1 in 20 admitted they skip workouts on the days they have sex and count sex towards their daily physical activity quota, according to the Zing Coach survey.

“There’s variation, of course, between a five-minute quickie and vigorous, athletic sex that lasts for hours,” Emily Morse, sex expert and host of the #1 relationship podcast Sex with Emily, previously told The Post.

“Sex is different for each person, every single time.”

Depending on how long your sexual session lasts and what positions you get into, staying in bed — or wherever you want to get freaky — can become a full-body workout, demanding flexibility, strength and endurance.

According to a study conducted by Lelo, a luxury sex toy company, “The Butter Churner”, “Standing”, and “The Kneeling Wheelbarrow” are the moves most likely to burn the most calories for both men and women on average.

However, the small group swapping gym time or sexy time may not get the lasting results or relationship they want.

A staggering 56% of people have or would break up with a partner who lacks sexual stamina or flexibility, according to Zing Coach.

So maybe think again before skipping your next workout — it could save your relationship.