
Moped-riding, armed robbers steal man’s $100K watch outside iconic NYC eatery Carbone

A pair of gun-toting, moped-riding robbers stole a man’s $100,000 watch outside Manhattan hotspot Carbone Tuesday night, according to police and sources.

The duo walked up to the 39-year-old victim outside the Greenwich Village restaurant at around 8:45 p.m. and pressed a black firearm to his chest while demanding the Patek Philippe watch off his wrist, police and law enforcement sources said.

The thieves took the pricey jewelry and hopped on a moped, which they drove north on Thompson Street, sources said.

Robbers stole a man’s $100,000 Patek Philippe watch outside Carbone Tuesday night. Kevin C. Downs for The New York Post
The pair of thieves pressed a gun to the victim’s chest while demanding the pricey wrist candy. Kevin C. Downs for The New York Post

It’s unclear if the victim, who was not injured, was a customer at the high-end Italian eatery that’s notoriously hard to snag a table at and frequently patronized by celebrities.

So-called “black market” reservations at Carbone can go for $150 to $450 on re-selling apps.

Carbone’s employees refused to comment on the stick-up and the Thompson Street restaurant’s management company, Major Food Group, didn’t immediately respond to an email.

Meanwhile, diners at the famed establishment and nearby residents seemed unfazed by the gun-point robbery.

The pair fled on a moped and remain at large. Christopher Sadowski

“That’s New York for you. You gotta watch your watch,” one of three men leaving Carbone joked.

There have been no arrests and the investigation is ongoing.