US News

Is Biden sick? Prez’s voice sounds raspy during presidential debate against Trump

President Joe Biden spoke with a raspy voice when he took on a question from CNN host Jake Tapper on inflation during the presidential debate on Thursday.

Joe Biden
Biden spoke with a raspy voice on Thursday during his verbal bout against Trump. CNN
Biden is currently recovering from a cold.
The president has had a gravelly voice for several weeks. REUTERS

Biden answered by taking a swing at former President Donald Trump.

“If you take a look at all that was done in his administration — he didn’t do much at all. By the time he left, things were in chaos,” the commander in chief said.

Biden has had a raspy voice and a cough for several weeks, and his apparent cold didn’t stop for the debate.

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His voice sounds strained, and he coughed during the debate.

The Democrat is the oldest president in American history at 81, with his age being a frequent talking point ahead of the upcoming election.