
Best thunder shirts, weighted blankets, and dog anxiety treatments for Fourth of July

When you’re a dog parent, there’s nothing worse than seeing your fur baby down in the dumps, uncomfortable or even worse — stress or anxiety-driven. Unfortunately, for many dogs, the Fourth of July weekend is at the forefront of one of the most anxious times of the year due to fireworks.

While we humans are likely enjoying family barbecues, pool parties, and shopping for major Fourth of July sales, according to the American Kennel Club, the patriotic holiday is the more common time for pets to go missing than any other time of the year.

RELATED: Best CBD products for dogs: oils, treats, gummies and vet-approved tips

“Dogs have a wider range of hearing and can detect sounds at much higher frequencies than humans. Loud noises [like fireworks and thunder] can be overwhelming and even painful for them,” Dr. Gabrielle Fadl, Director of Primary Care at Bond Vet, with nine years of experience in stress-free techniques, told the New York Post. “Additionally, dogs may not understand the source of the loud noise and perceive it as a threat or danger, triggering their fear response.”

Dr. Carly Fox, DVM and Senior Veterinarian of Schwarzman Animal Medical Center advised keeping your dog indoors during the fireworks in a “comfortable, familiar environment.” However, if you take your dog outdoors, Dr. Fox suggested a “properly fitted restraint,” such as a harness and a collar. “Harnesses cover more surface area of your pet’s body and allow you to have more control.”

In an effort to help your dogs stay calm ahead of this Fourth of July weekend, The Post rounded up a handful of products that may soothe your pup’s anxiety and nerves based on Fadl’s and Dr. Fox’s recommendations.

Aside from ensuring your dog is properly tagged with a return address or microchip and prepping a space centralized in your home with some of their favorite toys as a distraction, there are other items like thunder shirts, weighted blankets and more that may do the trick.

For more information on how to best soothe your dog during stressful and loud moments, be sure to check out our FAQ section at the bottom of this article.

Best Thundershirt: Thundershirt Classic Dog Anxiety Jacket

Thundershirt Classic Dog Anxiety Jacket


  • Effective for 80% of dogs
  • Inclusive sizing from extra small to extra,extra-large


  • One color to choose from

The original thunder shirt was designed to apply gentle, constant pressure to calm anxiety, fear, and over-excitement — making it ideal for fireworks and thunderstorms. This dog anxiety vest is available in sizes as small as extra-small and as large as extra, extra-large.

“A snug vest that mimics swaddling and has a calming effect on pets,” Fadl said.

Best Weighted Blanket: BuddyRest Soothe Weighted Dog Blanket

BuddyRest Soothe Weighted Dog Blanket


  • Super soft fleece
  • Machine washable


  • Only medium through extra large available

This special weighted blanket for dogs is great for your pet’s anxiety, noise aversion, excitability and other stress responses. It gives them a sense of security and protection and has a calming influence they’ll instantly feel. The BuddyRest blanket is made with a super soft fleece material on one side and a durable suede on the exterior and is entirely machine washable for easy maintenance. Available in sizes medium, large and extra-large.

Best CBD: Hemp Calming Chews for Large Dog 15mg

ELLEPET Hemp Calming Chews for Large Dog 15mg - with Proprietary Hemp Oil Blend - Helps with Calming, Stress, Cognitive Support, and Overall Wellness
Pet Hemp Company Amazon


  • Clinically tested


  • Should consult your vet before using any CBD products

These CBD dog treats are another option for pets that struggle with stress and anxiety around the Fourth of July and beyond. “Studies show there are benefits to animals with osteoarthritis, atopic dermatitis, anxiety, and seizures,” said Dr. Fox, who also noted that most CBD for pets is unregulated, which is why she recommends only using Ellevet CBD products.

The company has “proven efficacy and safety through multiple clinical trials” and tests “each batch of product multiple times for consistency and purity,” said Dr. Fox. Always consult your vet before adding CBD to your dog’s diet.

Best Dog Bed: Best Friends by Sheri The Original Calming Shag Fur Donut Cuddler

Best Friends by Sheri The Original Calming Shag Fur Donut Cuddler Cat & Dog Bed


  • Dogs feel safe cuddled into this bed
  • Multiple shades to choose from


  • Only one size available

Speaking from experience, your fur baby will fall in love with this calming shag bed. It comes in a dozen different colors and sizes, plus it has more than 30,000 raving Amazon reviews with over 1,000 sold this month alone. The raised rim of this bed creates a sense of security and provides head and neck support, while the super soft filling offers joint and muscle pain relief.

Best Speaker: Pet Acoustics Pet Tunes Calming Music Dog Speaker

Pet Acoustics Pet Tunes Calming Music Dog Speaker


  • Designed specifically for canines and clinically tested
  • Pre-loaded with canine tunes


  • Only for animals

If you want calming dog music that you can’t find on Spotify, consider buying your pup the Pet Acoustics Pet Tunes Calming Music Dog Speaker. This gadget comes pre-loaded with canine tunes that are clinically proven and veterinarian-approved to reduce stress and calm nervous canine behaviors.

Best Harness: Julius-K9 IDC Powerharness Nylon Reflective No Pull Dog Harness

Julius-K9 IDC Powerharness Nylon Reflective No Pull Dog Harness


  • Reflective for night walks
  • Guards against pulling
  • Padded for comfort


  • Price may be a barrier for some

Dr. Tara Hansen, a veterinarian at Chewy with over twenty years of experience, emphasized the importance of a good fit, “Robust buckles are important…if a dog panics and can easily escape or break the harness, they are at high risk of fleeing into dangerous situations like dog fights or traffic and have a higher chance of getting lost,” she said.

This no-pull harness reflects light at night and is effective for even the strongest pullers. Lined with skin-friendly Eco-Tex soft material, it prevents irritation from rubbing, keeping your pup comfortable.


For more information on why your dog struggles with fireworks, thunder and loud noises, plus how to make them more comfortable during these times.

What causes dogs to get scared over loud noises like thunder and fireworks?

“Dogs can get scared over loud noises like thunder and fireworks due to a combination of factors. One reason is their heightened sensitivity to sound. Dogs have a wider range of hearing and can detect sounds at much higher frequencies than humans,” Fadl said. “Loud noises can be overwhelming and even painful for them. Additionally, dogs may not understand the source of the loud noise and perceive it as a threat or danger, triggering their fear response.”

How much louder can dogs hear sounds in comparison to humans?

“Dogs can hear sounds at a much greater distance and at higher frequencies than humans. On average, dogs can hear sounds at frequencies ranging from 40,000 to 60,000 Hz, while humans typically hear sounds between 20,000 and 20,000 Hz,” Fadl said. “This means dogs have a more acute sense of hearing and can detect sounds that are much softer or at higher frequencies than humans.”

Tips to soothe your dog before, during and after a thunderstorm or fireworks:

“Create a calm and safe environment,” Fadl said.

  • Provide a safe space: Set up a designated area where your dog feels secure, such as a crate or a quiet room. Make it comfortable by adding familiar bedding or clothing with your scent.
  • Use background noise: Play soothing music or turn on a white noise machine to help drown out the loud sounds of thunder or fireworks.
  • Distraction and positive association: Engage your dog in activities or games they enjoy to divert their attention from the noise. Offer treats or engage in training sessions to create positive associations with the stressful situation.
  • Consult with your vet: In severe cases of anxiety, your vet may prescribe anti-anxiety medications or suggest other calming techniques to help your dog cope.

The best way to support your pet ahead of the Fourth of July?

  • Gradual desensitization: Start playing recorded firework sounds at a low volume and gradually increase it over time to help desensitize your pet to the noise.
  • Provide a safe retreat: Create a calm and comfortable space for your pet with their favorite toys, bedding, and treats. Consider using pheromone diffusers, like Adaptil for dogs or Feliway for cats, which release calming pheromones.
  • Exercise before the event: Engage your pet in physical activities and play sessions before the fireworks start. This can help tire them out and reduce anxiety levels.
  • Stay with your pet: During the fireworks, stay with your pet to provide comfort and reassurance. Offer gentle petting and soothing words to help them feel safe.
  • Seek professional help: Consider consulting with a professional dog trainer or animal behaviorist who can provide guidance and specialized techniques to help your pet cope with fireworks anxiety.

What is pet anxiety?

“Pet anxiety is a common issue that can have various causes, including loud noises, separation anxiety, changes in routine, or past traumatic experiences,” Fadl said. “It’s essential to understand that every pet is unique, and what works for one may not work for another. Patience, consistency, and seeking professional help, if needed, are key in addressing and managing pet anxiety.”

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