
Scorpio celebrities: 20 famous people born under the water zodiac sign

Something wicked this way comes: Scorpio season hath arrived. Cue the smoke machines and mind control.

In honor of the most powerful and power-hungry member of the zodiac, here’s a roundup of 20 Scorpio celebs. 


Drake Getty Images

Don’t let the easy smile and Canadian pedigree fool you, folks: this man emits deep Scorpio vibes. Born Oct. 24, 1986, the lovesick singer Drake once advised, “Before you give up, think of the reason you held on so long.”

Be it a relationship, a grudge or a gum wrapper that reminds them of someone they love, water signs like Scorpio have a hard time letting go. 

Kris Jenner

Kris Jenner Getty Images

Kris Jenner, born Nov. 5, 1955, exhibits the Scorpio talent for acquiring and overseeing power through her role as the world’s most famous momager. “Scorpio’s happiness is rooted in their ability to feel powerful,” states “They are deeply in tune with their insatiable drive for dominance. They want to be a vital organ in the big throbbing heart of the world.”

By managing the careers of her six children, Jenner has turned the family name into a billion-dollar brand.

Travis Barker

Travis Barker Getty Images

Born Nov. 14, 1975, Travis Barker has the mark of a romantic, and the evolution of his relationship with new fiancée Kourtney Kardashian reveals the Scorpio approach to love. “Scorpios are silent assassins. They don’t immediately make their feelings known. Then, they give you a long, penetrating look. They will want to feel you out. They will try to test your character,” reports “Once they’ve determined that you’re trustworthy, they’ll give you a second look, this time with slightly dilated pupils.”

Case in point: Barker and Kardashian were friends and neighbors for years before dating, giving Barker ample time to observe and, eventually, circle and seduce the eldest Kardashian sister. 

Bethenny Frankel 

Bethenny Frankel Getty Images

“The Real Housewives of New York City” star and hustler Bethenny Frankel, born Nov. 4, 1970, studied psychology, the preeminent domain of Scorpio, at New York University. Her on-camera propensity for bluntness and clever curses is demonstrative of Scorpio’s search for truth.

“Whatever you feel, there is a sense of intensity and extremity underlining it. Truth for you bears the greatest importance than anything else,” writes “You are very sensitive and have an intrinsic ability to see through others. Your higher level of introspection allows you to bring forth the truth and you do not portray it in a better light, rather put it forth on the table in the rawest form, regardless of how throbbing it might be.”

Throbbing, searing and usually resulting in the shedding of rich lady tears, Frankel’s honesty is her hallmark. 


RuPaul Getty Images

Born toward the end of Scorpio season on Nov. 17, 1960, the “RuPaul’s Drag Race” host is a pioneer in the art of drag and unparalleled when it comes to bringing the art form to the masses.

“Passionate, independent and unafraid to blaze their own trail no matter what others think, Scorpio signs make a statement wherever they go,” writes RuPaul’s trailblazing spirit is synonymous with Scorpio energy that lives to push boundaries and is ever-seeking self-actualization.

As Ru herself states: “The overall commentary on what I’m doing is saying, ‘Hey look! I get to create whatever persona I want to, and it’s all up to me. And the truth is, we are all basically the universe—pretending to be humans for a brief moment of time.'”


Ciara Getty Images

Ciara, born Oct. 25, 1985, is Scorpio sensuality made manifest. In terms of the body, each astrological sign rules a different zone and, unsurprisingly, Scorpio’s dominion is the genitals and reproductive organs. As reports, “Scorpio’s known as the most sexual sign in the zodiac. Along with an emotional connection, Scorpio needs to be sexually compatible with their partner in order to thrive in the relationship. Their high sex drive will require a partner who can keep up. As much as they’re all heart, they prefer passion to romance, and they’re uninhibited and at their most confident in bed.”

Cue Ciara’s “Body Party,” where she sings, “Boy, you should know that your love is always on my mind/I’m not gonna fight it/I want it all the time

Matthew McConaughey

Matthew McConaughey Getty Images

Green lights and a mid-career resurgence are the mark of this Southern Scorpio, born on Nov. 4, 1969. As illustrates, Scorpios like McConaughey are predisposed to resurrection: “Scorpio is ruled by Pluto, the planet of transformation and reinvention. This means you naturally possess the tools to pull yourself out of a rut.”

And when that rut looked like a string of abysmal romantic comedies, McConaughey pulled himself out with turns in the critically acclaimed films “Lincoln Lawyer” and “Dallas Buyers Club,” as well as an iconic performance as Rust Cohle in the HBO series “True Detective.” So great was the man’s bounce-back that it inspired a pop-culture catchphrase, entered into the lexicon: McConaissance. Back and better than ever is the modality of the ever-evolving, never to be discounted Scorpio spirit.  

Willow Smith 

Willow Smith Getty Images for Savage X Fenty

The progeny of Hollywood royalty, Willow Smith came into the world on All Hallows Eve in 2000. Halloween is a fitting entry point for this mysterious musician, who seems preternaturally tapped into an alternate reality.

“You see so many beautiful things happening in this world, and you see so many things that make you want to cry and crawl under a rock. But there’s an underlying feeling of magic and mystery in everything that I live for,” she told Interview in 2016. “I feel like all of my art is trying to get people to see that underlying, subtle energy that lives within everything that we see and what we don’t see in this world.”

According to, this subterranean sense is on the nose for Scorpios like Smith: “Scorpios are often drawn to what many people considered to be the unseen and the occult. They are interested in spiritual matters whether it is traditional religions or more metaphysical belief systems. There are some Scorpios who have the psychic propensity to see beyond the veil. They can see dimensions which are often hidden or closed to the less evolved person.”

Beyond the veil and within the hair whip, Smith exudes clandestine charisma.

Lisa Bonet

Lisa Bonet FilmMagic

Perennial Scorpio babe Lisa Bonet was gifted to our world on November 16, 1967. After finding early fame on “The Cosby Show,” Bonet took a dramatic step back from the industry to focus on being a parent. “I think there are probably times when these thresholds can either sink you, or you can see who you are and rise and dust yourself off,” she told Net-A-Porter in 2018

Rising from the primordial sinkhole in service of their own personal growth is a Scorpio specialty.

Gordon Ramsay

Gordon Ramsay FOX Image Collection via Getty Images

Never one to shy away from hard truths or direct confrontation, Gordon Ramsay, born Nov. 8, 1966 exhibits the direct and often disparaging nature of Scorpio. “So many other signs spend valuable time and energy beating around the bush, desperately trying to find an approach that makes the fewest waves when it comes to confronting a conflict. Not Scorpio,”  reports “Blessed with a deep sense of self, Scorpio is always able to say exactly what’s on their mind, even if it’s not what people want to hear.”

Not big on apologies, Ramsay staunchly defends his approach to communication, revealing the punishing, perfectionist streak that beats in the heart of all Scorpios. “When I get angry, I’m just being honest, and I don’t think it’s ever going to be any different,” he once said. “I, like any good chef, want everything to be perfect.”

Margaret Atwood

Margaret Atwood Getty Images

A Scorpio’s favorite sin is wrath and never has it been more evident than in the written and spoken words of poet and novelist Margaret Atwood, born Nov. 18, 1939. Atwood, author of the acclaimed book (and subsequent Hulu series) “The Handmaid’s Tale,” channeled that wrath through her protagonist Elaine in her 1988 novel “Cat’s Eye,” writing, “It disturbs me to learn I have hurt someone unintentionally. I want all my hurts to be intentional.”

This Scorpio came to sting — and she wants you to know who to blame for the swelling. 

Stanley Tucci 

Stanley Tucci Getty Images

Italian American actor Stanley Tucci was born Nov. 11, 1960. The thespian and avowed epicurean was derailed but not destroyed by the loss of his sense of taste following cancer treatment. Unable to enjoy food, Tucci took to training/torturing himself by watching cooking shows. “This was an act of pure masochism, as even just the thought of food disgusted me,” he wrote in his new memoir, “Taste: My Life Through Food.” “In hindsight, I suppose it was a way to cling to what I loved or remember what I’d once had because I was so desperate to have it again. I was determined to make myself heal faster.”

This hell-bent approach is endemic of the Scorpio spirit, as reports, “Scorpios are the masters of their fate. They know only one way to live: on their own terms. They do not live life but attack it. When life hands them a loss, they do not waste time sulking, but rather continue on their path, sure they will eventually succeed.”

Tucci transmitted that pain into prose, regaining his senses and publishing the account of his losses in his memoir.

Jamie Lee Curtis 

Jamie Lee Curtis WireImage

Scorpio actress Jamie Lee Curtis, born Nov. 22, 1958, made her film debut in John Carpenter’s “Halloween,” playing traumatized, tenacious scream queen Laurie Strode. Ruled by Pluto, the planet of death, and drawn to the dark matter of life, horror is a fitting genre for this Scorpio. It is no coincidence that Halloween, Día de Muertos and Samhain fall in the season of the scorpion or that one of their own would star as a beacon for survival. As reports, “This zodiac sign loves seeing people go after what they want and save themselves.”

Colin Kaepernick 

Colin Kaepernick FilmMagic

Born on Nov. 3, 1987, athlete and activist Colin Kaepernick embodies the fearless, fighting spirit of the eighth sign of the zodiac. As reports, “Once Scorpio becomes involved in something, it’s as if they clamp on with iron jaws. These signs have tremendous staying power, never giving up the fight. Absolutely nothing seems to intimidate Scorp, making confrontations a cinch. Scorpio’s bravery and willingness to face a fight poise this sign as excellent leaders charged with restoring order in chaotic circumstances.” 

Frank Ocean 

Frank Ocean WireImage

Singer, songwriter and Scorpio Frank Ocean was born Oct. 28, 1987. Be it musical stylings or sexuality, Ocean refuses to be characterized or contained by labels, “I’ll respectfully say that life is dynamic and comes along with dynamic experiences, and the same sentiment that I have towards genres of music, I have towards a lot of labels and boxes and s–t,” he told GQ in 2012. Seeing life as a dynamic set of experiences and himself as an influx, beyond definition participant in it, is pure, Scorpio actualization. 

Anna Wintour

Anna Wintour AFP via Getty Images

Fashion zeitgeist and fellow Scorpio Anna Wintour was born Nov. 3, 1949. The Scorpio need for secrecy and deflection is made manifest in Wintour’s choice of eyewear; she is rarely seen without dark glasses, keeping up the unknowable vibe even when greeting the Queen Mother during Fashion Week. 


Future Redferns

Rapper and apex Scorpio Future was born Nov. 20, 1983. Future named his debut album “Pluto,” a reference to the ruling planet of Scorpio. His approach to life and music is in strong alignment with his zodiac sign, the domain of the unseen and other people’s money. Future got his start ghostwriting for other artists, including Ciara and Ludacris. As reports, “Scorpio much prefers to be behind the scenes and is happy to think big picture when it comes to a client’s career, especially since they know that they’re the ones who are really pulling all the strings and holding all the power.”

Kendall Jenner

Kendall Jenner Patrick McMullan via Getty Image

The most reserved of the Kardashian/Jenner clan, darkhorse Kendall was born on Nov. 3, 1995. As writes, “Personalities of those born under the constellation Scorpius are synonymous with sheer willpower, possessing a magnetism and beguiling allure few can resist. These rare gifts give this unique sign the uncanny ability to waltz onto anyone’s stage and effortlessly steal the show — but only if the mission benefits Scorpio’s insatiable ambition.”

Jenner’s aloof allure makes her the most mysterious — and thus most captivating — member of her famous family. 

Adam Driver 

Adam Driver WireImage

Born Nov. 19, 1983, Scorpio Adam Driver proves just how many lives members of this zodiac sign can live within the span of a single lifetime. Prior to becoming an actor, Driver served his country as a United States Marine, crediting the experience with giving him the courage and emotional breadth to pursue acting. Recognizing the lack of arts access within the military he established a nonprofit organization called Art in the Armed Forces, that funds free arts programming to service members. As writes this organization is perfectly in line with Scorpio’s highest trajectory, “Emotionally sophisticated, private, and raw, these people do not skim the surface in life. They go far below the exterior seeking the truth. Scorpio rules regeneration, which makes them excellent healers as they can see what’s really behind the veil, and then find the right antidote for the cure.” 

Pete Davidson 

Pete Davidson NBCU Photo Bank via Getty Images

Scorpio comedian and “Saturday Night Live” cast member Pete Davidson, born Nov. 16, 1993, lives his life on the knife-edge of intense emotion and transformative experiences. According to, Scorpios like Pete, “Are not interested in anything that doesn’t involve the risk of being completely destroyed. They’re like emotional daredevils. They want to have as much of the dramatic experience as possible because the absence of strife is a kind of subtle death.” Davidson has found source material and levity in the least likely of places; his father’s tragic death on 9/11 and the dissolution of his famously failed relationships. As Davidson admitted to Interview in 2015, “Things that I feel really sad about, I talk about. That way, if it’s funny, it doesn’t hurt anymore.”

Turning pain into punchlines and grief into gold, Davidson is emblematic of Scorpio resilience.  

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences while traveling. Among the many intriguing topics she has tackled are cemetery etiquette, her love for dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, a “girls guide” to strip clubs and the “weirdest” foods available abroad.