
Are you a Gemini? Everything you need to know about your zodiac sign

Twin for the win, let’s talk Gemini.

On Monday, May 20 at 8:59 AM EST, the sun enters Gemini where it will reign until June 20th. The energy of this sign is quicksilver chaos, exciting to be around, and challenging to live within.  

Bridging the seasonal gap between spring and summer, Gemini is a mutable sign that seeks and absorbs information at high speeds. In a word, Gemini is versatile, able to move through a crowd, carry a conversation, and adapt easily and rapidly to any situation.

The danger of that versatility is that it can leave Gemini vulnerable to superficiality, a lack of self-knowledge, and a shaky sense of purpose. As an Air sign, Gemini is associated with intellect and alchemy. Quick-witted and loose-tongued, language is the province of Gemini who is adept at writing poems, impersonating strangers, and committing perjury all with a characteristic flourish.

Endlessly curious and highly analytical they learn through the exchange of language and feel most alive when in motion and most challenged when asked to sit in stillness or silence.

Apex Gemini Prince throws his hands in the air and his weird to the world. Getty Images

There is trickster, coyote energy to Gemini that runs the gamut from playful to pathological. Consider apex Gemini Prince’s list of demands before being interviewed by the Irish Times, “None of the questions could be in the past tense,” said Brian Boyd, “and if I asked a question he didn’t like he would press a button on his phone that played the theme from The Twilight Zone.” Ridiculous, yes, boring, never.

OG Gemini daddy Walt Whitman understood the multitudes of himself and his sign. Getty Images

Represented by the divisive twins, Gemini challenges us to consider the duality in all things, and to accept that no truth is absolute and no person is one dimension. As lauded Gemini poet Walt Whitman writes in Song of Myself, “Do I contradict myself? Very well then I contradict myself, (I am large, I contain multitudes.)” Indeed, the ultimate expression of Gemini energy is the acknowledgment, examination, and integration of disparate, multitudes into a kaleidoscopic whole.

Planetary ruler: Mercury

Mercury is the ruling planet of fast-talking, truth-negotiating Gemini. Getty Images/iStockphoto

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, the planet of expression, communication and exploration. Mercury influences travel, conversation, transaction, technology, and the production and reception of the written word. Fittingly, Gemini natives move easily and often between subjects, affections, and moral stances.

In myth, Mercury was the messenger of the gods who ferried information between the underworld and the heavens, a trade route that mirrors the span of Mercury’s influence, from high art to lowly gossip, weighty words to careless whispers

Given the influence of Mercury and a general vibe of non-committance, Gemini is the uncontested flirt of the zodiac, ever on the hunt for witty rapport and intellectual stimulation.


The Gemini constellation represents the mythical twins Castor and Pollux. Universal Images Group via Getty

One of the more beautiful origin stories, Gemini concerns the twins Castor and Pollux. Though they shared a womb, Castor was the mortal son of King Tynardus and Pollux the immortal progeny of Zeus, an ancient example of heteropaternal superfecundation.

Google it, I’ll wait.

Good-looking and hardscrabble, the brothers were inseparable, excelling at horsemanship and bare-knuckle boxing. When Castor was fatally wounded in battle, Pollux, mad with grief, beseeched his father Zeus to bring his brother back.

To ease his son’s heartbreak, Zeus placed both twins in the night sky where they remain burning bright and ever beside each other as the constellation Gemini.


Air signs like Geminis Stevie Nicks are six times more likely to levitate than their earth or water cohorts. Getty Images

Eccentric and liminal, Gemini defies definition and bucks convention, thereby showing others that boundaries can be boundless and expectations upended. Fashion is a favored platform for this ilk and some of the best dressed, most iconic, and least compromising folks to walk the earth belong to the sign of Gemini.

For your consideration, his aforementioned highness Prince, Lenny ‘shirts are for lesser men’ Kravitz, Mary-Kate, and Ashley Olsen, Stevie ‘my microphone is a broomstick’ Nicks, and Marilyn Monroe.

Four-time Grammy Award-winning rocker and apex Gemini Lenny Kravitz was born on May 26. FilmMagic/Axelle/Bauer-Griffin

The attention span of the average Gemini is famously short but when they do manage to focus, their ideas and opinions are original and inspired. No other sign is more adept at changing course or entertaining an outside perspective, regardless of how radically problematic or downright bat***t it may be.

Inclusive, Gemini is quick to strike up a conversation with anyone and hopeful enough to believe that within every stranger lies a secret worth extracting or a story worth hearing. 

Language is the domain of Gemini and it comes as no surprise that some of the most preeminent writers fall under the stars of the twins and upon the power of the pen. The list of Gemini scribes includes Salman Rushdie, Federico García Lorca, Saul Bellow, Joyce Carol Oates, Allen Ginsberg, and Jamaica Kincaid.

Twinning since 1986, Mary Kate and Ashley prove the sartorial prowess of Gemini. Getty Images for The Met Museum/

Words are both the weapon and the way for Gemini and in the case of authors and activists like Cornel West, Che Guevara, Kendrick Lamar, Gwendolyn Brooks and Rachel Carson, language and politics combine to revolutionary effect.  

While they won’t back down from a fight, particularly a war of words, Geminis don’t hold a grudge as their absent mind will quickly forget what it was that inspired their original ire.

Similarly, Geminis don’t dwell in the past, preferring instead to imagine, and at points neurotically obsess over the future.

Nary a wet blanket among them, Geminis are generally energetic and easily persuaded to party. Much like champagne, they are effervescent and celebratory and if you’re willing to hop on their convivial carnival ride there’s no limit to the places, real and imagined, they can take you. Talking astrophysics, trash, or their way out of jail, Gemini is pure, garrulous gold.  


Gemini is a mixed bag of blessings and banes. Vadimsadovski –

The shadow side of Gemini’s curious nature is that their attentions are often scattered and their energies diverted. In need of constant stimulation, they are ever chasing the shiny thing and eschewing the sure thing out of an inborn need to distract themselves from the wilderness of their own interiority.

Ultimately, this chase is to their own detriment as they lose out on the opportunity to feel things more deeply and know themselves more fully.

More so than any other sign, Geminis become and project what they consume, a dangerous dynamic that must be mitigated by thoughtfully selecting the images, messages, media, and company they invite in. 

Talking astrophysics, trash, or their way out of jail, Gemini is pure, garrulous gold.  

If you’re wondering what purgatory feels like, begin by asking a Gemini where they want to eat dinner, how they feel about Marxism, or whether they really love their current partner.

Being able to weigh, assess, and equalize options makes decision-making tedious for Gemini and by proxy, insufferable for everyone around them. Important to note, that once they have made a choice, there is absolutely no guarantee they will follow through.

The wily temper of Geminis like Naomi Campbell oft includes flying objects and cutting words. Gamma-Rapho via Getty Images

These people have a reputation for being flaky and duplicitous, mostly because they tend to be flaky and duplicitous.

Gemini needs to feel like they are accomplishing something but because they are hard-pressed to make a choice or take a stand, they often respond to the needs of others rather than the wants of the self.

This quality can lead to feeling confused, unfulfilled, and resentful and manifest in uncharacteristic outbursts that contribute to Gemini’s erratic reputation, looking at you Naomi ‘duck for cover’ Campbell

Geminis like Kanye West can’t keep what they’ve got inside or in mind, to themselves. FilmMagic

Never on time but always worth the wait, Gemini refuses to be trapped by the tyranny of wristwatches or punctuality. Paradoxically, they are maddeningly impatient and count among their ranks an army of chronic interrupters.

Fearful that if they don’t express themselves immediately their brilliance will slip into obscurity, these people talk over others, abjectly refuse to self-edit, and never hesitate to take to a social media platform to share a thought, conspiracy theory, or unsolicited rant.

Fearful that if they don’t express themselves immediately their brilliance will slip into obscurity, these people talk over others, abjectly refuse to self-edit, and never hesitate to take to a social media platform to share a thought, conspiracy theory, or unsolicited rant.

Case in point, Ye, Azealia Banks, and Donald Trump, all Geminis who have had their Twitter privileges revoked on account of crazy talk.

Gemini rapper Iggy Azalea spills the tea on what’s wrong with her sign. Getty Images

With that in mind, I’ll leave the last word on Gemini challenges to a Gemini herself, rapper Iggy Azalea who tweeted with uncharacteristic self-awareness, “If you wanna know what’s wrong with Gemini, I’ll tell you; we say shit & change our minds all the time (plans, emotions, etc) for literally no reason, we are fake experts at everything & we tell mean jokes then don’t give you space to be mad.”

Astrology 101: Your guide to the stars


The sign of Gemini is associated with the Lovers tarot card. Wiro Klyngz –

In the Major Arcana of the Tarot, Gemini is represented by The Lovers. The two nude figures of Adam and Eve stand beneath the snake-talking tree of knowledge and the flowering tree of life, symbolizing the separateness that must be resolved in order for wholeness to be found.

Adam casts his eye forward while Eve looks to the heavens, sight lines that point towards what can be seen and what must be intuitively felt. Both of these perspectives, the material and the immaterial, the tangible and the intuited must be considered when a choice is called for and integrated within each beating, bleeding human being.

Above the lovers, hovers the archangel Raphael, whose name translates to “heal.” This divine presence oversees the couple, encouraging them to reconcile themselves through communion. The Lovers card relates to Gemini through the concept of mirroring, a summons to look at life, others, and the universe at large as a reflection of ourselves.

Third House

“You heard of Gemini? There’s always two sides,” admits Kendrick Lamar of his star sign. Getty Images

Gemini rules the Third House of communication. This house determines how we receive and respond to messaging. The Third House rules language, early education, technology, and transit. In terms of selfhood, this house marks the moment we move beyond ourselves and into discourse with others, an open hand, an open mouth, and an open invitation to exchange and to be altered by that exchange.


Geminis are ruled by Mercury and live and die by curiosity. manuta –

Gemini rules the central nervous system including the lungs, arms, hands, and fingers. Geminis tends to vibrate with an almost audible anxiousness to speak and act. Fidgety folk, their bodies express the restlessness of their minds. Relative to duality, the nervous system operates in pairs; divided down the middle, there are two lungs, two arms, two hands, etc.

Gemini is prone to breathing issues as they struggle to take in the air between verbal tirades. Usually found texting and otherwise typing or furiously masturbating to enjoy a brief respite from their own inner monologues, Gemini is more likely than other signs to suffer from carpal tunnel syndrome and word vomit.


Gemini folk are always looking for their other half. Pixel Embargo –

To divine true astrological compatibility, it’s necessary to cross-examine the birth charts of the specific lovers in question but for general purposes, it’s safe to say the following signs stand a fair shot of capturing the roving eye and fickle heart of Gemini. 


Fellow air sign and unapologetic space cowboy weirdo Aquarius makes for a fine match for Gemini. Aquarians are endlessly enigmatic and will keep the curious mind of the Gemini fed.

Star Wars role-play is a heavy possibility.

There’s an emphasis here on cerebral connection and humanitarian pursuits with both signs adept at processing information, reserving emotion, and hatching wildly ambitious plans. We see these qualities converge in the relationship between Gemini Angelina Jolie and alleged lover and avowed Aquarius The Weeknd.


Gemini dandy Tom Holland poses with girlfriend and fellow mutable sign, Zendaya. Getty Images

Virgo and Gemini share a ruling planet and a Mutable modality meaning the pair will never be at a lack for conversation or common ground and bonus; Virgo can show Gemini the erotic potential of a to-do list. As an Air sign, Gemini needs structure but resists containment and Virgo is more than capable of providing a flexible foundation. We see this dynamic brought to life in the pairing of dynamic Gemini Tom Holland and Virgo high priestess Zendaya.  


Gemini grand dame Gena Rowlands had a lasting love with her Sagittarius husband John Cassavetes. Bettmann Archive

There’s a truth or dare, hype man dynamic between Gemini and Sagittarius. Both signs are seduced by spontaneity and quick to bore and manage to find in each other a co-conspirator that pushes them to go further and live bolder.

The union of Gemini Gena Rowland and her Sagittarius husband John Cassavetes is emblematic of this fire/air relationship dynamic. Together until parted by death, the two communicated in Greek when they needed to trade secrets in public and collaborated as filmmaker and muse on ten films during their nearly forty years together. 

Recommended Listening:

Should I Stay or Should I Go – The Clash 

7 – Prince & The New Power Generation  

Untitled 6 – Kendrick Lamar 

Storms – Fleetwood Mac 

Hysteria – Muse

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers.