
Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello’s zodiac signs led to a make out and make up

Mercury retrograde is upon us and with it the high season of taking back your ex and folk, not even celebrities are immune to the sway of these stars.

After a PDA packed Coachella weekend former flames Shawn Menes and Camila Cabello were seen holding hands in oversized leisure wear in LA, igniting rumors that our favorite make out heavy couple is back at it and getting down to it.

The pair, who collaborated on the sex and sweat heavy, “Señorita,” dated from July 2019 to November 2021 before splitting and subsequently vowing via joint Instagram post to “continue to be best friends.”

Whilst consciously uncoupled, Mendes was linked to chiropractor Jocelyne Miranda and actress-singer Sabrina Carpenter, though contradicting reports and the utter absence of PDA evidence suggest he never romanced either.

Cabello meanwhile, was in a relationship with Lox Club co-founder Austin Kevitch for a few months last year.

How did these two fall apart and eventually come back together? Read on to learn more about the stars that burn and bind.

Shawn Mendes’ birth chart shows his eccentricity

Shawn Mendes, 23, was born on Aug. 8, 1998. He is a fiery Leo Sun with a rebellious Aquarius Moon. This opposition reveals that our man was born on a Full Moon and wants the lion’s share of attention and affection. He lives large, goes big and doesn’t think twice. His Mercury, the planet of communication and mental processes, is also in Leo, filling his mind and mouth with grand schemes, romantic sentiments and brazen initiatives.

Shawn Mendes hits the red carpet before the 2021 MTV VMAs at Barclays Center in Brooklyn. Getty Images

This dude is a DIEHARD ROMANTIC and a sex for the sake of communion and transcendence kind of lover. His Venus, ruling his affection and art, is united in the exact same place in the sky as his Mars, ruling passion, action and sex drive. Those planets embrace in Cancer — so Mr. Mendes is definitely all about the emotions, depths o devotion and love as an art form. He likely views partnerships, trysts and liaisons as a kind of creative accelerant or even a hard to quit drug, Ke$ha style.

There is much within Mendes’s chart that speaks of eccentricity, unique tastes and an inclination towards theatrics. A high on limelight Leo sun and a weird on purpose Aquarius moon? Big picture thinking, take my picture vibeing. Lot’s happening. Keep it coming, Mr. Mendes. Keep it coming.

Camila Cabello’s birth chart

Camila Cabello attends the “Cinderella” premiere in Miami on Sept. 1. Getty Images

Camila Cabello, 24, was born on March 3, 1997. She is a dreamy Pisces Sun with a fun worshipping, ‘pirate’s life for me’ Sagittarius Moon.

The predominant energy in her chart is Pisces — as her Mercury, ruling her mind, and Venus, ruling her affections, are also in this mutable water sign. With her Mars, ruling her passion and drive, in partnership-loving Libra, the big takeaway that I see is that Cabello is a romantic who gets swept up in what she feels and soars off into the cloud columns of fantasy.

Now, that isn’t a bad thing — it means that she is capable of such deep love, magic and connection that she could very easily overlook someone’s flaws because she doesn’t want to see them. TBH: Even if she is presented with evidence that confuses her, she’ll find a way to swim on by, oblivious to red flags and bad news.

However, she has some very intense aspects in her chart regarding relationships — she is drawn to partners who are hypnotic, sexual and consuming. Cast beneath their spell, deep in the d–k sand, she gives her own power away, ultimately becoming controlled or dominated by them. However, each time this happens, she goes through a dramatic rebirth, awakening with more knowledge about who she is and what she ultimately wants. After an ending, drama, trauma etc., she steps surer then ever into her own power.

Spoiler alert: I have the exact same alignment in my chart and, damn, it is so intense.

Hot? Yes.

Passionate. Definitely.

Unforgettable? Mmm-hmm.

Edging towards BDSM, abuse and the cerebral kink of never ending mind games? Always.

Lord have mercy on Ms. Cabello — and me. Amen.

Are Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello compatible?

The then-lovebirds steam up the stage at the 2019 American Music Awards. FilmMagic for dcp

The stars show that Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello are both wonderful people, and real deal romantics; but are they compatible?

Uhmmmmmmmmmm — not really.

On a scale of 1 to 10 — with 1 being the absence of chemistry, 5 being great friends and 10 being a soulmate connection — I’m giving these two a solid 3. Why? Because there’s just so much that is ultimately different about the two.

We obviously grow and learn from every connection we have — romantic or platonic — but we often find that we learn a lot from the ones that didn’t work out in the end. They teach us more about who we are and who we want to be in a relationship, as well as what we want in a partnership.

I went to school for psychology, so I call these our non-negotiables in a relationship. We find those out through trial and error and, once we make that list, we keep it forever.

Also, I do want to go on the record to say that this compatibility rating could actually be higher because we do not have Mendes’ exact birth time — and the Ascendant does change the game a lot. I also say that every zodiac pairing can work — even if it’s not the easiest. In fact, we learn the most from relationships that cause us to change and shift our outlook on the world.

Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello bare some sexy flesh together at the 2021 Met Gala in September. Patrick McMullan via Getty Images

Why did Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello break up?

From what I can tell in their charts, I believe the two were drawn together due to their levels of power — but had they both not been famous, I don’t think they would’ve been interested in one another.

The differences in their aesthetics and approaches to life are too stark. And the confusing — and potentially unhealthy — influences that they perpetuate within one another would’ve likely caused the rapport to burn brightly but then fizzle out. I think their rapport was strengthened by their ability to communicate and respect one another’s talents and tag-team goals as they helped build one another up.

Also: when you’re as famous as these two, it’s better to have someone who understands the pressures of what life has in store and ultimately builds a trust that unites you when the world gets tough. In that regard, I wholeheartedly believe their connection as friends did bring them together and was the through-line that kept them together. Going their separate ways made the most sense.

In fact, I think things were rocky between them beginning in Halloween 2K20. The planetary storms that began then became more intense in 2021. Mendes likely felt more distant from her, with alternating waves of intimacy and coldness overtaking him (cough, Aquariuus moon, cough.) Cabello probably wondered what was going on but likely began to feel like she couldn’t “play a part” any longer and had to step into her own light rather than reflect his. With all of these planetary factors in the sky, it was always meant to end — but every ending creates the opportunity for a new beginning.

Camila Cabello and Shawn Mendes attend the 2019 American Music Awards. FilmMagic

Throughout many of my astrological analyses, I refer to eclipses as the most powerful turning points in our lives. The eclipse on Nov. 19, 2021, triggered their breakup — especially because Cabello is a Taurus Ascendant. That means their relationship was karmic in nature.

Interestingly, their hand holding rendezvous reunion coincided with ANOTHER eclipse, this time a new moon hybrid solar eclipse in Aries, kicking off a new cycle of eclipses in the Aries/Libra axis. In astrology, Aries is the self and Libra is the self in relationship; in conversation, communion, codependency and conflict.

This eclipse cycle will be forging and forming us through 2025 and Mendes and Cabello are no exception. The lesson of this eclipse cycle lies in balancing the need to individuate with the desire to partner. There is a fated feeling to eclipses and this one, on the heels of Mercury retrograde in Taurus suggests Mendes and Cabello are not quite finished learning from and through their relationship.

And because the universe is actively conspiring to bring us to our shiniest, surest, selves, they’ll both end up happy, together or apart. Lift it up, let it out and let it be.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured in “Access Hollywood,” E! Entertainment, NBC & ABC television, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Hulu, Bustle, Elite Daily, Marie Claire and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. For more information, visit

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences while traveling. Among the many intriguing topics she has tackled are cemetery etiquette, her love for dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, a “girls guide” to strip clubs and the “weirdest” foods available abroad.