
We reviewed the SoulCycle at-home bike — here’s why it’s worth it

When it came to sports growing up, I was never what you might call “the athletic type.” Nevertheless, that didn’t stop me from trying out for nearly every sport I encountered. Swimming, tennis, lacrosse, volleyball, basketball, track, soccer, gymnastics — you name it, I’ve probably tried it. Still, nothing ever really seemed to stick.

It wasn’t until college that I discovered spin classes and fell in love with the energetic, fast-passed, high-intensity cycling workout. I always felt great after a spin class, no matter my weight or how well I could stick with the beat.

After going to many classes at Zyn22 in Dallas for a couple of years and moving back to New York after graduation, I finally dared to take my very first SoulCycle class.

I’ll never forget the first time I took a SoulCycle class because it was one of the most intense 45 minutes of my life! The choreography was something I was familiar with at my local studio in Texas, but the level of intensity was like no other. By the end of the class, I was drenched with sweat but excited about my new workout discovery. The music was great, the staff was overly patient with a first-timer, and the equipment quality was stellar.

I incorporated at least three SoulCycle classes into my weekly budget for roughly two years. I enjoyed my after-work spin classes until March 2020, and then, well, the Coronavirus pandemic uprooted all of our lives.

While quarantining, like so many, I was bored out of my mind and, dare I say it, missed taking SoulCycle spin classes. SoulCycle had just recently launched its at-home bike around the time I started shopping for a stationary spin bike in June of the same year. After a quick call with Peloton and learning about their 14-week delivery expectancy date, I knew that was not the move. While a newer product, I loved in-person SoulCycle classes, music, instructors and the vibe — so I decided to purchase the SoulCycle at-home bike. Delivery took less than three weeks. (Yes, that quickly).

SoulCycle At-Home Bike, $1,900, original price: $2,500

SoulCycle At-Home Bike
Courtesy of SoulCycle

Snag your very own SoulCycle At-Home bike for 28% off.

While many people purchased at-home exercise bikes, treadmills, rowing machines and other gym equipment during the pandemic, I can honestly say that I probably would have bought the SoulCycle at-home bike regardless of lockdown. Why? In the long run, it’s going to be much less expensive to get a SoulCycle workout out with your own bike rather than going into the studio.

After paying off the $2,500 cost of the bike (which you can now pay by payment plan), the membership to access classes is $40 a month. That’s still less than a single SoulCycle class costs you in New York City. The membership is powdered through Equinox+, which also offers access to many other classes from fitness powerhouses such as Pure Yoga, TB12, Equinox and more.

These days, my bike fits perfectly in the crevice of my Manhattan-sized bedroom. With its all-black, matte design and convenient wheels for easy accessibility, it is not only sleek, but it actually looks good, too.

SoulCycle at-home bike in NYC apartment

By the time I got back on the saddle (literally), it had been nearly four months since my last spin class, and while it took me a minute to get back into the swing of things, I was quickly reminded of why I fell in love with SoulCycle in the first place. I can confidently say there’s little to no difference between an in-person SoulCycle class and a digital one (barring all the sweaty people and waiting on a shower). The experience with the at-home bike is just that good.

The music is comparable to that of a class with plenty of genres to choose from and artist-themed routines ranging from Taylor Swift to Sam Smith, thanks to the high-quality immersive sound system. The instructors are just as inspirational and fun, whether you’re doing a pre-recorded or live class, and new courses show up every week, so you never get bored.

Camryn riding the soulcycle at-home bike

The best part about having a SoulCycle bike in the comfort of your home is, of course, the flexibility it offers. Since I’m not limited to pre-scheduled classes (with accompanying late fees if I cancel, I might add), the world is your oyster with an SoulCycle at-home bike. Whether I want to get in a quick 20-minute express class before a happy hour or opt for 60-minutes of intensity and fun on a Saturday morning — there are plenty of options. Plus, if you don’t want to spin one day, you can also access dozens of stretching and weight classes. Do you need to work out but want to watch your favorite show or one of the best movies on Netflix? Get on your bike, select “free ride,” and you can get in a workout while you binge.

“The SoulCycle at-home bike provides classes that range from 20 minutes in length to 90 minutes in length. You can choose from beginner, intermediate, and advanced in difficulty level,” Victoria Brown, senior SoulCycle instructor, told The Post. “You can also choose to take an arms-only class or stretch-only class. Beyond that, there are fundamentals classes that really break down how to do the most common moves on the bike and understand the importance of resistance during your ride.”

As of June 2022, I’ve owned my SoulCycle at-home bike for two years, and I can honestly say it’s one of the best investments I’ve ever made. I use it at least three days a week and sometimes find myself taking classes every day. While I may have struggled to find the best way to exercise when I was younger, that is no longer an issue, thanks to SoulCycle.

“The SoulCycle at-home bike serves as an escape from the outside world. A place to sweat, a place to work hard, a place to laugh, a place to cry, a place to feel empowered, and a place to connect with yourself,” Brown said. “Prioritizing our mental health and moving our bodies is so necessary in how we feel and how we show up in the world.”

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