
Here’s what ‘Toy Story’ character you are based on your zodiac sign

To infinity and beyond.

For nearly thirty years Pixar’s “Toy Story” has taken people the world over to emotional depths and jubilant highs they never knew possible. The franchise reminds us that magic is real and though toys are built to break, they are also built to break hearts and restore our faith in humanity.

The new “Lightyear” movie, coming to screens this summer, brings us the long awaited origin story of fabled, galaxy galavanting explorer, Buzz Lightyear.

Creating intergalactic controversy, Chris Evans plays the titular lead, replacing OG space ranger Tim Allen, who voiced the character in all four installments of “Toy Story.” The film also features a same sex kiss, a socially choice that led to “Lightyear,” being banned in several countries including the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt.

Who knew a few animated astronauts could stir up so much divisive discourse?

Over here we’re celebrating. In honor of our favorite “Starman” and his contingent of friends, misfit toys, broken lamps and collectables we’ve compiled a list of the characters from the Toy Story universe that align with each zodiac sign. Read on, to infinity and beyond.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

Duke Caboom

A handlebar mustache, the preferred facial hair of Aries everywhere, is modeled by Duke Kaboom. ©Walt Disney Co./courtesy Evere

At its most volatile, Aries energy requires a diet of raw meat, adrenaline, nail polish remover and petty conflict. At best, these people are downright heroic, a dichotomy alive and well in stunted stunt man Duke Caboom, voiced by Virgo heartthrob, professional hero and uneasy rich person Keanu Reeves. Add to this that the character of Duke was inspired by the 1975 issued Evel Knievel Rally Stunt Cycle toy. In 2020, Knievel’s son Kelly filed suit against Disney and Pixar alleging Duke was illegally created in Knievel’s likeness. Ain’t it just like an Aries to start a fight?

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)


Taurus rules the second house of value and tangible goods, a natural fit for the likes of piggy bank Hamm. ©Buena Vista Pictures/Courtesy

Taurus rules the second house of values and possessions and Hamm, a piggy bank introduced in the franchise’s first film, is the porcine embodiment of the house. Influenced by Venus, planet of love and beauty, bulls and often fall on the fault line of vanity and Hamm is no exception, refusing to be seen by his friends without his cork accessory. Taureans have an intrinsic understanding of value, both their own and others so it tracks that Hamm is hyper aware of his own disposability and resale appreciation. He is also hyper loyal and favors vengeance as a response strategy, a very Taurus vibe.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

Rock em’ Sock em’ Robots

The quarrelsome Rock’em Sock’em Robots represent the internal monologue of the average Gemini. Denver Post via Getty Images

Gemini is ruled by Mercury, planet of communication and exchange. Symbolized by the twins, there is an inherent duality to Gemini energy. Geminis are typically engaged in a bit of cerebral fisticuffs between their better angels and lower selves, a sparring made manifest in the robots that live, and live to duke it out, in the office of Al’s Toy Barn in Toy Story 2. The robot aspect tracks as this air sign is more likely to intellectualize their feelings than actually express them. Geminis are at their most powerful when they can lay down their gloves, steady their minds and synergize their disparate energies into a nuanced whole.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Sheriff Woody

Cancer cowboy Woody is protective and moody, sentimental and temperamental. ©Buena Vista Pictures/Courtesy

Cancer is the most nostalgic sign in the zodiac, ever rhapsodizing about the past and returning to it with diluted wistfulness. Unfailingly loyal and totally jealous when the affections of his primary child are diverted, Woody is a classic toy and a classic Cancer. Bonus points, Tom Hanks, who voices Woody, is also a Cancer. Cancer is associated with the divine feminine and the archetype of the mother and nothing distills those Cardinal water sign tides like Woody’s wrenching admission, “I can’t stop Andy from growing up, but I wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Andy responds in kind when he gifts Woody to Bonnie in Toy Story 3, telling her “Now, Woody…he’s been my pal as long as I can remember. He’s brave, like a cowboy should be, and kind and smart. But the thing that makes Woody special is that he’ll never give up on you – ever. He’ll be there for you, no matter what. Truly a living eulogy for a Cancer cowboy if ever there was one.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

Mr. Potato Head

Like a typical Leo, Mr. Potato Head is a ball of fire and a barrel, nay, sack, of laughs.

Our beloved top hatted spud, like a true Leo, does not shy away from strong opinions or physical comedy, removing body parts and adding commentary at will, anything for a laugh or equal reaction. Like many a lion, he leans heavily on accessories and light on self-editing. A romantic at heart or at root vegetable, Mr. Potato Head is devoted wholly to his wife, Mrs Potato Head and proves himself a loyal if quarrelsome friend to Hamm. For all his pomp, Mr. Potato Head will not abide a bully and he leads a mutiny when he believes that Woody tried to intentionally kill Buzz.

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)


Self-deprecating to a dangerous degree, Forky is a Virgo struggling with existential issues. ©Walt Disney Co./courtesy Evere

Virgos are a very cerebral and deeply critical lot that save their sharpest judgments for themselves. Enter accidentally sentient Forky a handmade toy suffering from low self esteem and the aftershock of an existential crisis. Much to Woody’s dismay, Forky, who is beloved by toy and child alike, repeats the mantra, “I’m trash.” Often, in their self-loathing and search for perfection, Virgos lose sight of the singular treasure they are and must listen to the the opinions of others above the chorus of their own inner doubts.

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

Bo Peep

A naturally beautiful and utterly natural diplomat, Bo is all Libra. ©Walt Disney Co./courtesy Evere

Libra, represented by the scales and balances, is the natural score keeper and social diplomat of the zodiac. These folks intrinsically understand how to leverage charm to underwrite their own survival, a quality we see expressed in the character and character development of Bo. Her prettiness and romantic sensibilities belie her power as she is capable of cooling tempers and thwarting mutinies, using her crook as a way to coyly control her compatriots. Libra rules the seventh house of partnership and often these people require the activation of another person or an outside force in order to actualize. Bo had to be cut apart from the bedside lamp she began life as in order to incarnate as her independent self. This trend continued when she becomes a lost toy, a devastation that renders her braver, better and bolder than ever before.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

Sid Philips

Toy torturer Sid is a misunderstood Scorpio. MediaNews Group via Getty Images

Hear me out, Sid starts out as a sadist but he’s also an artist. His methods are questionable but if you squint you can see the finer Scorpio qualities of resilience and regeneration. He doesn’t always want to destroy toys, he wants to reimagine them. Further, when Buzz, Woody and the gang reveal their living, sentient nature to him, Sid vows never to harm a toy again, a promise he keeps and a redemptive arch he fulfills. Vows and transformation through trauma, are two hallmarks of the Scorpio archetype. Add to this that our boy grows up to be a mullet rocking garbage man and Scorpio is associated with expulsion; the digesting and disposing of everything that no longer serves us. Stars don’t lie and neither do I, folks.

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)


Mutable Sagittarius Jessie manages to wrangle Buzz and Woody in Toy Story. Disney/Pixar

Sagittarius is symbolized by the centaur, a mythical half human, half horse creature that operated as a healer and an archer. The modern, animated equivalent is the free spirited wise cracking cowgirl character of Jesse. With a mind towards adventure and a signature, ceaseless optimism, Jesse fulfills the archetype of this mutable fire sign. Sagittarius prioritizes freedom above all other pursuits and considers the light of knowledge as sacred. It is thus fitting that Jesse’s only fears are containment and the dark itself.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)


Capricorn rules the knees and joints and daycare warden Lotso uses an unnecessary but decorative mallet cane as a status indicator. ©Buena Vista Pictures/Courtesy

Capricorn deals exclusively in daddy vibes ranging from protective parent to prison warden. Enter Lotso, a tattered bear that is not what he seems. He plays the bait and switch or the bear and trade with the denizens of Sunnyside Daycare, presenting himself as a benevolent kind dad before revealing his true nature as a punishing tyrant. Say what you will about the mean mammals tactics, he is successful, for a time, at building an empire and exacting control over it, hallmarks of the sign of the sea goat.

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Buzz Lightyear

Buzz Lightyear comes in peace, bearing heavy Aquarian energy. ©Buena Vista Pictures/Courtesy

Aquarius rules space travel and the sign crests the edge between limitation and the unknown. It’s frontiers of all varieties and those born under its banner similarly find themselves pressed between an insufferable superiority complex and a deep desire to be of service to their fellow man. Self-important, brilliant and emotionally aloof, who better to symbolize this than star boy, nay, star ranger extraordinaire, ladies and gentlemen Buzz Lightyear.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)


Rex, a typical Pisces, is emotionally complex and fears abandonment. ©Buena Vista Pictures/Courtesy

An intense fear of abandonment, an anxious attachment style and an aversion to confrontation are all qualities associated with certain rescue dogs and most Pisces. The same can be said of Andy’s resident dinosaur, Rex. Pisces prefer escape to reality and it tracks that Rex enjoys and excels at playing video games. These escapist tendencies sometimes manifest as absent mindedness as natives retreat into a dream world and lose sight of the happenings in this one, we see this expressed in Rex who, though highly cerebral and eager to help, is often distracted and sweetly, maddeningly scatter brained.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the stars

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences while traveling. Among the many intriguing topics she has tackled are cemetery etiquette, her love for dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, a “girls guide” to strip clubs and the “weirdest” foods available abroad.