
Kylie Jenner and Timothée Chalamet’s moon signs boost their goth love and shameless PDA

Twinning in goth finery and awash in PDA and declarations of love, Kylie Jenner and Timothée Chalamet were the talk of the 2024 Golden Globes.

In a few scant months, the pair have gone from rumored couple to full-blown kissing during commercial breaks.

The gloves are off, the hands are holding, and there’s not a chance in hell that Selena Gomez is getting a picture with that dude now. 

While few saw this love affair coming, we are all bearing witness to its majesty. What seemed at first glance like a head-scratch coupling, the astrological compatibility, physical chemistry and longevity of TimoKyl — or perhaps Kylothée — are off the charts. 

Let us dig and let us glean. 

Timothée Chalamet, he of the careless curls and sex eyes, was born on Dec. 27, 1995, in NYC making him a powerbroker Capricorn sun with an escape artist Pisces moon.

On another coast, Kylie Jenner, she of empires and intrigue, was born unto us on Aug. 10, 1997, making our girl a live-out-loud Leo sun with an angsty teenager Scorpio moon.

Trophy dating

The relationship between the lion and the sea goat is one of mutual respect and attraction; the vibe here is big game recognizing big game.

In terms of sun signs, both Chalamet and Jenner are symbolized by formidable, warm-blooded mammals, the horny goat and the power-hungry lion, respectively. This is animal attraction at its finest, and the relationship between the mane and the horns is anchored in mutual respect; the vibe here is big game recognizing big game.

Trophy dating, if you will: it works if you work it.

Kylie Jenner made a hand pyramid and seemingly cast a devotion spell upon Timothée Chalamet. Annie Wermiel/NY Post

On a fundamental level, Capricorns like Chalamet respect the grind and revere those who build empires, be they out of lip gloss, last names or otherwise. A conquest queenpin with emotional depth like Jenner? Straight-up bait to a Cap sun/Pisces moon like Tim.

Chalamet’s sun/moon combo bears the mark of the pragmatic romantic.

Capricorns only invest when they’re certain the reward outweighs the risk. He probably really digs and digs into the practical magic of this woman: her work ethic, maternal prowess and somewhat elusive public persona. Meanwhile, Chalemet’s Pisces moon is looking to dissolve entirely into the pond of another person, thus his sun/moon combo bears the mark of the pragmatic romantic.

In kind and in claw, Leos like Jenner are materially driven, worship-needing, heart-ruled, die-hard lovers who are drawn to the physical security promised by earth sign suns, as well as the flowery, flowing feelings of a water moon.

PDA as a power move

Holding hands and laying claim, bask in a pair of water moons in love.

But where, hence, does the PDA bloom?

In astrology, the sun is our essential spirit but the moon is our subconscious, representing security and emotional needs and how we meet them. In the case of Chalamet and Jenner, both of their moons fall (or float, as it were) in the element of water. 

Chalamet’s Pisces moon is the primary reason he looks like a 19th-century vampire/poet with a mysterious illness: the faraway look in his eyes, the penchant for velvet and pastels. The writing is on the wall, folks, and it’s spelled out in blood and lilac wine.

Empirical evidence of Chalamet’s Pisces moon. Warner Bros.

Chalamet’s Pisces moon is the primary reason he looks like a 19th-century vampire/poet with a mysterious illness: the faraway look in his eyes, the penchant for velvet and pastels.

The writing is on the wall, folks, and it’s spelled out in blood and lilac wine.

Meanwhile, Jenner’s Scorpio moon is best understood as the Fiendfyre from Harry Potter: a magnetic, magical flame that is difficult to control, challenging to resist and capable of irreparable damage to itself and others. The Scorpio moon whispers in a constant yet barely inaudible parseltongue: “You are mine, you are mine, you are mine” and a slightly more decipherable, “Back off, Selena.”

Empirical evidence of Kylie Jenner’s Scorpio moon. kyliejenner/Instagram

These synced-up lunar placements are a real boon for a relationship, folks. Water sees, feels and feeds fellow water and it equates to psychic synergy, deep sensitivity and romance between these two.

It is a feeling of safety and ease when Pisces meets Scorpio; secrets are shared, bodies are melded and they ebb beautifully and willingly toward each other. Shameless PDA is the sea foam of this union; water gets all over everything — especially each other. 

Shameless PDA is the sea foam of this union; water gets all over everything — especially each other. 

Both Pisces and Scorpio are signs that seek transcendence through their intimate relationships. Scorpio wants to consume and be consumed by love, and Pisces wants to lose themselves in and through it — it’s opiate sex, habit-forming and warm feeling. Scorpio is prone to obsession and Pisces to addiction making this a match of compatible intensity and desperate devotion. Cute.  

Timothée Chalamet and Kylie Jenner are an unlikely yet wildly compatible pair. CBS

But it ain’t all about equitable exchange and sweet sentiments.

Trust, our girl is not merely petting her man: she is laying leonine claim to him. After all, Kylie is a double-fixed sign, and the energy here is very much MINE and MORE. Leo requires worship and Scorpio rules the eighth house of sex, death and other people’s possessions — translating to a tendency to view their romantic partners as property. But, TBH, Pisces moons want to be wanted, and Capricorn doesn’t mind being claimed by someone successful. Win-win.

From a stardust perspective, this odd couple has the possibility of making it in the long run. I root for this broody, brunette duo and look forward to seeing more of their whispered vows and blatant affection.

Here’s to riding the wave — and cheers to weird in 2024.

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences while traveling. Among the many intriguing topics she has tackled are cemetery etiquette, her love for dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, a “girls guide” to strip clubs and the “weirdest” foods available abroad.