
Worst times to have sex, surgery or sign a contract, according to astrology

Greetings earthlings and sunbeams.

If you find yourself asking, “Why do I feel so weird today?” it just may be that the moon is void-of-course.

A refresher: While the sun stays in each zodiac sign for roughly a month, the moon changes signs every two to 2.5 days.

Void of course, often written as v/c, describes the period of time from the moment the moon makes its final contact with any planet in its current sign to the point that it transitions into the next sign.

What does it mean for us when the moon is void-of-course?

Void-of-course moon means that nothing is interacting with the moon and thus our tin cup mirror in the sky is out there living loose and free. Representing the divine feminine, past lives and the archetype of the mother, the moon is our emotional ballast and when there is nothing for her to work for, with or against the feeling is a general unmooring.

Astrologer Estelle Daniels describes this period of time as the moon being “off the clock.”

She imparts, “This is the cosmic relaxation time, when it is best to kick back, relax, hang out, have a party, read a book, do those household chores and generally just wait until the Moon changes signs.”

The moon needs the support of other planets to do its bidding, create, maintain etc. When la luna goes off the rails, she lacks the momentum and aid required to make s–t happen.

Daniels explains, “It is not the time to do anything which would have tangible results. Especially don’t sign a contract, make a commitment (unless you don’t intend to keep it), buy anything major or long-lasting (groceries are OK but expect to forget something).”

How long does it last?

Beautiful autumn fantasy - maple tree in fall season and full moon with star. Retro style with vintage color tone. Halloween and Thanksgiving in night skies background concept.
When the moon is void-of-course, it’s a prime time for doing, and expecting, nothing. jakkapan –

Depending on the speed of the moon, void-of-course happens every two to three days. The void of course period can last from a few minutes to, on rare occasions, two days, but typically carries on for a couple of hours and feels a bit like the “Night on Bald Mountain” sequence from Fantasia.

The longer the void-of-course lasts, the more it begins to feel like a mini Mercury retrograde.

To find out when the moon will be void-of-course, reference this calendar. The black, right-facing arrow indicates when the moon enters the void-of-course period.

Now look for the next astrological symbol, followed by a time stamp: This indicates when the moon will enter the next sign, the period between the arrow and the sign is void-of-course.

Ideally, the moon is void-of-course while we sleep, but when it happens during waking hours ,there are ways to make it work for us. Because the mighty moon, orb of intuition, is free balling during the void-of-course period, meditation, divination and inner work can be more accessible.

What to do with the moody moon

To be clear, void-of-course periods are not inherently negative — if anything they are frustratingly neutral. Nothing is going to happen during a void-of-course moon and sometimes, nothing is just what we need. If you are looking for minimal repercussions, are about to drop a difficult piece of information or are trying to fly under the radar, this is the moon for you, folks.

Fun fact, according to Estelle Daniels, astrology-obsessed President Ronald Reagan would strategically plan presidential news conferences that addressed controversial topics during void-moons to avoid unwanted attention.

What does it mean to be born during a void-of-course moon?

Nightly sky with moon and stars
Conforming may be a challenge for those born during a void-of-course moon. Elena Schweitzer –

Those born when the moon is void-of-course are served an extra helping of spiderwebs and wet sand to trudge through. Elise Wells, astrologer at Planet Poetica was born while the moon was void-of-course.

“People born when the moon is void of course don’t react to life in predictable ways,” told The Post. “We can think of it as a valve that’s stuck between their brain and energy flow. It’s really hard for them to get on the bus, conform or feign anything remotely normal.”

For more information on being born under these strange skies or to book a reading, visit Wells’s website here.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture, and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled artists and performers and extensively chronicled her travel experiences.